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      天才教育網合作機構 > 北京語言培訓機構 > 北京英語培訓機構 >




      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 終于知道大提琴用英語口語怎么說


      日期:2019-11-08 16:43:05     瀏覽:548    來源:天才領路者

      大提琴是管弦樂隊中必不可少的次中音或低音弦樂器,屬提琴族樂器里的下中音樂器,音色渾厚豐滿,具有開朗的性格,擅長演奏抒情的旋律,表達深沉而復雜的感情,也與低音提琴共同擔負和聲的低音聲部,有"音樂貴婦"之稱。 那么大提琴用英語口語怎么說呢?一起來了解下吧: ?

      【大提琴用英語口語怎么說】 ?



      大提琴的英文: ?

      bull fiddle ?

      cello ?

      violoncello ?

      參考例句: ?

      The vibrant notes of a cello,contralto,canary ?

      大提琴、女低音、金絲雀的顫音. ?

      Bach's unaccompanied cello sonatas. ?

      巴哈的無伴奏大提琴奏嗚曲。 ?

      Scored for violin,viola and cello ?

      為小提琴、中提琴、大提琴的演奏改編樂曲 ?

      A four - stringed instrument of the violin family,pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass. ?

      大提琴一種提琴類四弦樂器,音調比中提琴低但比低音提琴高 ?

      His cello technique is unique. ?

      他的大提琴(演奏)技巧是*的。 ?

      All this from playing the violin and the cello. ?

      所有這些都來自于小提琴和大提琴的演奏。 ?

      Classical instruments like the violin or the cello are boring. ?

      小提琴或大提琴這樣的傳統樂器非常枯燥。 ?

      A piano trio,eg for piano,violin and cello ?

      鋼琴三重奏(如由鋼琴、小提琴及大提琴組成的). ?

      “One person I know sometimes commutes from Kent with his cello.” he says. ?

      他說道:“我認識一個人,有時候要帶著自己的大提琴從肯特郡往返。" ?

      A16-foot organ stop yielding stringlike tones similar to those of a cello. ?

      低音提琴音栓能產生類似于大提琴弦音的十六尺律音栓 ?

      【大提琴的英語翻譯】 ?

      cello; ?

      violoncello ?

      ◇大提琴手 violoncellist ?

      例句: ?

      The cellist 's bowing was very sensitive . ?

      那位大提琴手的弓法十分細膩。 ?

      The line was taut as a tuned cello string and there was not much more of it on the reel . ?

      釣絲繃得同調好音的大提琴弦一模一樣了。轉盤上剩下的釣絲不多了。 ?

      Schumann concerto for cello in a minor , op . 129 ?

      舒曼a小調大提琴協奏曲,作品129號 ?

      A dismal book ; a dismal performance on the cello ?

      乏味的書;沉悶無趣的大提琴演奏 ?

      Programme information provided by : cellist society ?

      節目資料提供香港大提琴家協會 ?

      To be good at cello playing , just start to learn flute ?

      擅長大提琴演奏,初學長笛。 ?

      Gave me an invitation to her homecoming concert ?

      邀請我去聽她的“回家”大提琴獨奏會 ?

      He doesn ' t play the piano , the violin or the celllo ?

      他不會彈鋼琴、小提琴和大提琴。 ?

      Offenbach moved to paris in 1833 to study the cello ?

      奧芬巴赫1833年到巴黎學大提琴。 ?

      【大提琴手英語怎么說】 ?


      cellist ?

      例句: ?

      The cellist 's bowing was very sensitive . ?

      那位大提琴手的弓法十分細膩。 ?

      Are cello players hot too ? - hot , hot , hot ?

      大提琴手也跳的熱烈嗎? -熱烈,熱烈,熱烈 ?

      He is a violoncellist in a symphony orchestra ?

      他是交響樂團中的大提琴手。 ?

      - are cello players hot too ? - hot , hot , hot ?

      -大提琴手也跳的熱烈嗎? -熱烈,熱烈,熱烈 ?

      Is cello girl still in there ?

      那個大提琴手還在? ?

      A cellist was dismayed to find that his delicate , expensive wood instrument was consigned to the rougher handling and cold temperatures of the baggage hold ?

      一個大提琴手驚愕地發現他那精致、昂貴的木質樂器竟要托運,經受行李艙內的低溫以及野蠻的裝。 ?

      【小提琴用英語怎么說】 ?

      violin; ?

      violin instrument; ?

      例句: ?

      He played works for unaccompanied violin . ?

      他演奏了不需伴奏的小提琴樂曲。 ?

      Jim played a violin solo at the concert . ?

      吉姆在音樂會上表演了小提琴獨奏。 ?

      She puts great expression into her violin playing . ?

      她的小提琴演奏感情充沛。 ?

      When you play a violin, the violin string vibrates . ?

      當你拉小提琴時,琴弦就振動。 ?

      He learned to fiddle as a young boy . ?

      他自幼學小提琴。 ?

      She plays the violin execrably . ?

      她小提琴拉得糟透了。 ?

      She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano . ?

      她愿學小提琴而不學鋼琴。 ?

      How well he plays the violin ! ?

      他小提琴拉得多好啊。 ?

      I struck the violin gently . ?

      我輕輕地撫摸著小提琴。 ?



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