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      天津環球藝盟(師資強 環境好)



      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:學校資訊 > 香港理工設計難考嗎,香港理工設計如何?學費生活費多少?


      日期:2022-04-12 17:26:44     瀏覽:215    來源:天津環球藝盟(師資強 環境好)



      哎……跟你一樣困惑著,你是文科還是理科?據說理科比較難通過 ==你可以去【參考資料】網址看看我還找到這個關于作品集的說明,但是不知道網上申請要不要上傳作品……求高人解答,一起加油吧~~Q: How many projects should I put in the portfolio? A: A maximum of FIVE and at least ONE of your best DESIGN projects done outside of your school work and a few small exercises. They should be able to your strengths in both concept creation as well as in execution.Q: What else to include? A: All the project briefs; idea and concept and design sketches; and anything that can show us how you tackled the problems during design processes. Note that all the works shown should be self- with or next to them.Q: What is the function of a portfolio in the admission? A: The portfolio should well your problem-solving skill, aesthetic sense, some basic technical skills such as drawings and 3D modeling as well as your skill ( of portfolio, tidiness, clarity of about your submitted work, easy to open and re-close,etc.)Q: Size of portfolio?A: The project works must be packed flat within a portfolio of maximum A1 size. Nothing should stick out of the portfolio.Q: Can I submit 3- work/models?A: No three- work/models should be submitted as we have no room for their storage and are not for any damage. Submit these in format instead. Q: Can I submit digital and/or video work?A: No, you are required to print out, on an A3 sheet in colour, a selection of frames from your digital/video files for the reference of the selection panel. Q: How do you know which is my portfolio?A: Please use the enclosed sheet to clearly mark your portfolio on the outside before you submit it. Please note: NO SHEET, NO ! All the work inside the portfolio should also be marked with your name and number just in case they got separated from your portfolio. Q: When should I submit my portfolio?A: You are required to submit by 15 May of the year. would be for telephone/skype interview in end June. Q: Will the school notify me after receiving my portfolio?A: Yes, it will notify you via email two weeks after receiving your portfolio.


      還湊合 看自己經濟能力了 伙食費:200-300RMB就足夠了


      學員評價ASK list

      • 紀**評價:學習服裝設計,是我從初中以來就有的夢想,感謝天津ACG藝術留學幫我圓夢,我的作品集做的非常出色,很多的招生官都表揚了我。
        手機號碼: 151****7521   評價時間: 2025-03-13
      • 周**評價:我是同學推薦的ACG,在這兒進行藝術留學輔導,老師經驗豐富,非常的認真。
        手機號碼: 153****8093   評價時間: 2025-03-13
      • 趙**評價:處于對藝術的熱愛,終我鼓起勇氣報名了ACG的藝術留學項目,希望后面可以通過努力不斷奮進。
        手機號碼: 177****8692   評價時間: 2025-03-13
      • 未**評價:ACG國際教育指導出來的室內設計作品集感覺特別高大上,它在初的定位上就感覺特別專業,希望自己可以順利就讀理想*
        手機號碼: 184****3479   評價時間: 2025-03-13
      • 未**評價:想要學習建筑設計還是要去國外讀書,尤其是意大利、英國這些眾多,我在天津ACG藝術留學做咨詢的時候,老師為我擇校積極的出謀劃策,終確定了英國皇藝。
        手機號碼: 156****6397   評價時間: 2025-03-13
      • 唐**評價:偶然一次機會來到ACG學習,感覺之前自己對藝術的理解還是太淺了,經過了ACG藝術教育老師的輔導,現在已經游客很大的觀念轉變,推薦學藝術的同學來這邊學習。
        手機號碼: 139****9326   評價時間: 2025-03-13
      • 小**評價:天津ACG國際藝術教育老師很棒呢,有很多專業性的東西能學到
        手機號碼: 138****3935   評價時間: 2025-03-13
      • 徐**評價:之前試聽課的時候就被ACG藝術教育的教學環境吸引了,真的很高大上,而且有專門的休閑區還能夠展示學員的一些作品。
        手機號碼: 151****7239   評價時間: 2025-03-13
      • 劉**評價:天津ACG國際藝術教育教學環境不錯,很有氛圍
        手機號碼: 159****5411   評價時間: 2025-03-13

      本文由 天津環球藝盟(師資強 環境好) 整理發布。更多培訓課程,學習資訊,課程優惠,課程開班,學校地址等學校信息,可以留下你的聯系方式,讓課程老師跟你詳細解答:


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