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      天才教育網合作機構 > 北京語言培訓機構 > 北京英語培訓機構 >




      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 總算發現如何利用保護土地資源英語作文


      日期:2019-09-13 18:35:23     瀏覽:516    來源:天才領路者
      過去30年里,*幫助數億人民脫離了貧困,然而隨著*城市化和工業化發展、森林補植方案的開展和受自然災害影響,*自1997年以來已經喪失了820萬公頃耕地。目前*37%的土地在退化,*人均可使用土地面積是世界平均水平的40%。不僅如此,更有許多土地因為各種原因被侵蝕而無法再被利用。目前*耕地面積縮減,使得*保持現有農業產出的能力面臨威脅,城鄉差距擴大也對*人享有的糧食權利提出挑戰。那么,如何利用保護土地資源英語作文怎么寫呢? ?


      ? How to protect land ? 如何保護土地 ? Soil is a finite resource that cannot be substituted on a large scale as a basis for food production and many other essential ecosystem services such as nutrient recycling, water purification, habitat of organisms and many more. Nonetheless, fertile soil continues to be degraded and polluted directly or indirectly through open-cast mining, deforestation, overgrazing of pasture land, over-intensive agriculture, conversion of farmland into infrastructural and building areas, waste disposal, inputs of detrimental substances released through traffic, households and industrial activities into the atmosphere and other human activities. ? Protecting the quality of our soils is as important as protecting the air we breathe and the water we drink. Protecting soil is critical to protecting our ecosystems and our ability to raise crops or maintain a backyard garden. ? Soil quality can be a measure of soil productivity. Soil quality can also be linked to water quality. ? Specifically, soil quality is the capacity of soil to function within ecosystem boundaries to sustain biological productivity, maintain environmental quality, and promote plant and animal health. Soil quality focuses not just on characteristics such as nutrient availability and total organic matter levels, but also focuses on overall soil biological activity, organic matter content, water infiltration, and soil structure. ? Protecting and enhancing soil quality is accomplished through the use of soil conservation efforts; Best Management Practices for fertilizers and pesticides; and the proper use, handling and storage of agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, manures and soil amendments. ? With the human population still growing, urbanization increasing and climate conditions changing, the protection of this essential resource is not only more urgent than ever, but is also facing completely new challenges in the future. ? In response to these challenges, the mission of the Soil Protection group is to establish scientific knowledge required to sustain and manage the quality of soil as an essential basis for human and other life. This includes:early detection and identification of developments threatening ecological soil functionsassessment of physical, chemical and biological stresses on soil and their impacts on soil quality and functioningcharacterization of risks for man and environment deriving from soil pollution and degradationdevelopment and evaluation of counter-measures against such threats and adverse impacts and of ways for a sustainable use of soil functions ? 土地(Land)指地球表層(epigeosphere)的陸地部分及其以上、以下一定幅度空間范圍內的全部環境要素(environmental elements),以及人類社會生產生活活動作用于空間的某些結果所組成的自然――經濟綜合體。狹義的土地,僅指陸地部分,這種觀點較有代表性的是土地規劃(land-use program)專家和自然地理學家的觀點。廣義的土地,不僅包括陸地部分,而且還包括光、熱、空氣、海洋……。 ?


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