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      天才教育網合作機構 > 北京英語培訓機構 > 北京托福培訓機構 >




      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:北京英語培訓資訊 > 北京托福培訓資訊 > 總算曉得長沙朗閣托福培訓沖刺班


      日期:2022-08-26 12:32:37     瀏覽:1044    來源:天才領路者


      ▎新托福精英112課程 ▎新托福精英100課程【適合人群】大二/大三英語程度,新托福90分或同等水平。【課程介紹】課程簡述:該課程適合希望沖刺新托福100分;英語運用能力扎實,需要彌補聽、說、讀、寫短板現象,進行單項沖刺強化的學生。 教學承諾:符考分不滿100分,全勤及作業完成者,免費重讀本課程。【使用教材】采用ETS官方指南,結合海外引進先進預備教材及朗閣美國考試內部教材進行教學。 咨詢更多課程


      ▎專欄介紹 > 明星教師 [圖片3]劉青老師 Michael<紐約州布法羅*>托福:114分(口語29分)主教科目:基礎英語、托福口語、雅思口語、雅思寫作、托福寫作畢業于紐約州布法羅*,語言功底深厚,深諳中西文化,擅長將課堂與實際應用結合,用生動的例子和經驗打動學生,善于激發及培養基礎薄弱學生的學習興趣,將枯燥的課堂轉變為生動的語言實踐平臺,讓學生牢記知識點的同時靈活運用。注重因材施教,能根據不同程度的學生需求制定高效專屬課程計劃,讓學生在短期內得到最快提升。他的課,嚴肅、嚴格,純干貨,處處是方法、處處是技巧。 Graduated from University of Buffalo. Owning a deep yet sophisticated understanding of American culture; specialised in combining lecture with current time events to demonstrate about speaking topics, especially to those who lack the initiatve to begin lagnauge study. Turning the sterotypical “classroom”into a practical platform for communicating and true comprehension towards English learning. Meanwhile, to make sure sutdents can absorb as much as they possibly could, he designed the class to be targeting areas where study methods can be appropriately utilised. Dedicating to each student individually while also maintaing a strict yet playful style is thing he takes very seriously and professionally. Without doubt, as far as “commitment”goes, he is the best to offer. ? [圖片4]王詩意 Eleven<朗閣長沙培訓中心明星講師>雅思8分 (聽力8.5分,閱讀8分,口語8分)主教科目:雅思口語、托福口語、雅思聽力英語專業八級,具備口譯證書及劍橋高級商務英語證書,擁有6年以上雅思托福一線教學經驗,學術功底扎實,英語發音純正,帶領學生體驗口語的獨特樂趣。課堂生動、教學風格獨特,工作上嚴于律己,對學生非常負責,幫助眾多學生在短期內迅速提高,培養上百名高分學員,實現其出國夢想。她的課,清新甜美、絲絲入扣。 TEM-8,English Interpreting Certificate and BEC Higher Level. Owning 6-year first-hand teaching experience in IELTS and TOEFL. The professional and standard pronunciation leaves a deep impression on stduents, which has strongly aroused students' interest in English study. Meanwhile, the unique teaching style and resposibility for students have helped a large number of students to make rapid progress in study and even made their dreams of studying abroad come true. After participating Eleven’s teaching process, loads of students have successfully achieved the scores that had formed the obstacles during their learning journey. The prefect combination of theories and practical skills is always the highlight of her class. ? 長沙朗閣課程采用課程簽約制度,采用OG官方指南教材,同步官方資訊,免費使用朗閣內部海量題庫;學員可同步獲得來自考試官方的新鮮考試資訊,分享得分技巧與心得。美國考試老師教研室面向學員免費開放,外教與中教的無縫配合,運用來自美國本土的教學理念,小班教學,1對1分析答疑。 歡迎來到長沙朗閣教育:http://m.tef597.com/member/bdlx.html 聯系電話:400-850-8622 QQ:1375738386 ? ? ?相關文章:







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