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      發布時間: 2019-08-24 09:27:55

      在生活中,解聘時,管理人要選擇恰當的方式,做好解釋工作,力爭獲得雇員的理解和配合。今天小編主要給大家分享怎樣用商務英語解雇員工,希望對你們有幫助! ?



      怎樣用商務英語解雇員工 ?

      *句:You have shown no improvement overlast year. ?

      去年一整年你的工作都毫無起色。 ?

      A: Peter, come in m please. ?

      請進來一下,彼得。 ?

      B: Yes, Mr. White. ?

      是的,懷特先生。 ?

      A: You have shown no improvement over last year. ?

      去年一整年你的工作都毫無起色。 ?

      B: I'm sorry, Mr. White. ?

      我很抱歉,懷特先生。 ?

      第二句:I have no choice ?

      我別無選擇。 ?

      A: I have no choice. ?

      我別無選擇。 ?

      B: Oh, no. ?

      噢u,不。 ?

      A: I have to fire you. ?

      你被解雇了。 ?

      背誦句型: ?

      We offer three months severance. ?

      我們提供三個月的工資作為辭退補償。 ?

      Due to budget constraints, your position is being made redundant. ?

      由于預算緊張,你的職位已經被取消了。 ?

      商務英語口語解聘會話 ?

      對話背景:某公司老板召見了員工詹姆斯,明確地告訴他由于某種原因,他將要被解聘。 ?

      B:Boss of a company ?

      J:James ?

      B: James, could you come over my office? I need to talk to you. ?

      J: OK. What’s the problem? ?

      B: I’m afraid you’re the problem, James. We have to let you go, James. ?

      J: Why? I’m the hardest –working person here. ?

      B: Well, you do seem to keep busy, but your work does not meet the quality that we require. What’s more, you don’t work well with the other employees. ?

      J: Well, those guys are not the kind of people I’d choose for my friends. But if it’s that important to you. I’ll try to get along with them. ?

      B: I’m afraid it’s too late for that. We are downsizing our work force and you will be the first but not the last to leave. ?

      J: I don’t think that’s fair. ?

      B: We can give you the option of resigning rather than being terminated. If you resign, that will look better on your resume when you apply for another job. However, you would then not be eligible for unemployment benefits. ?


      解雇商務英語情景對話 ?

      情景對話 1: ?

      佩尼: ?

      Paul, could you come to my office? I need to talk to you. ?

      保羅.你能到我的辦公室來嗎?我需要和你談談. ?

      保羅: ?

      Sure,I'll be there as soon as I finish this paper. ?

      好的.我一弄完這張文件就過去. ?

      佩尼: ?

      No, come here right now. ?

      不.現在就過來. ?

      保羅: ?

      OK, what`s the matter? ?

      好的.什么事? ?

      佩尼: ?

      I`m sorry to say that I have to let you go. ?

      很遺憾.我得讓你走了. ?

      保羅: ?

      Why? ?

      為什么? ?

      佩尼: ?

      Well, you are not efficient, and you don`t work well with the other employees. ?

      這個嘛.你的工作效率不夠高.還有你和其他員工的工作配合也不太好. ?

      保羅: ?

      Well, some of those guys are not the kind with which I`d like to communicate, but if that`s important to you, I`ll try to get along with them. ?

      因為有些人我不想和他們交流.不過如果這件事對你很重要的話.我會注意與他們相處的. ?

      佩尼: ?

      It`s too late. We are downsizing our work force and you`ll have to go. ?

      太晚了.我們正在精簡員工.你不得不走. ?

      保羅: ?

      It`s unfair. ?

      這不公平. ?

      佩尼: ?

      I`m sorry. It`s the decision. ?

      我很抱歉.但這是決定. ?

      情景對話2: ?

      老板: ?

      Come in, please! ?

      請進! ?

      約翰: ?

      You want to see me? ?

      您找我有事? ?

      老板: ?

      Yes, sit down please. ?

      是的.請坐. ?

      約翰: ?

      Thank you sir! ?

      謝謝您! ?

      老板: ?

      I want to talk with you. ?

      我想跟你談談. ?

      約翰: ?

      Well. I am glad to hear your guidance. ?

      我很樂意聽從您的指導. ?

      老板: ?

      Are you late this morning? ?

      你今天早上是不是遲到了? ?

      約翰: ?

      Well, there is a traffic jam. ?

      是的.今天堵車. ?

      老板: ?

      Are you always late for work? ?

      你是不是經常遲到? ?

      約翰: ?

      Not very often, sir. ?

      不是很經常。 ?

      老板: ?

      But the secretary showed me your attendance rate. ?

      但是秘書給我看了你的出勤率. ?

      約翰: ?

      I am terribly sorry, sir. I promise I will never be late again! ?

      我真的非常抱歉.我保證下不為例! ?

      老板: ?

      Ok.Another question, do you have a habit of sleeping during working time? ?

      很好.那么.再問你一個問題!你是不是有上班睡覺的習慣? ?

      約翰: ?

      Of course that isn`t a habit! ?

      那當然不是個習慣! ?

      老板: ?

      What was that? ?

      那是什么? ?

      約翰: ?

      Sorry, sometimes I will doze for a while. ?

      對不起.有時候上班會打打瞌睡. ?

      老板: ?

      See? Another fault! ?

      所以.這是第二個過失! ?

      約翰: ?

      I can promise on that too! ?

      我也可以保證不再睡覺了! ?

      老板: ?

      Sorry, I can`t trust you anymore! ?

      對不起.我不會再相信你了. ?

      約翰: ?

      What do you mean, sir? ?

      您這話什么意思? ?

      老板: ?

      I am sorry to inform you that you are fired! ?

      我遺憾地通知你:你被解雇了! ?

      約翰: ?

      I am so sorry, please give me another chance! ?

      我真的非常抱歉.請再給我個機會! ?

      老板: ?

      Still sorry here. ?

      我無能為力. ?

      更多培訓課程,學習資訊,課程優惠,課程開班,學校地址等學校信息,請進入 天才領路者網站詳細了解




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