有一個排名你可以看看: 1 Yale 耶魯* 2 School of the Art Institute of Chicago 3 Rhode Island School of Design 4 Institute of the Arts 5 of New Mexico新墨西哥* 6 Rochester Institute of 6 School of Visual Arts 8 of --Los Angeles 9 College of the Arts 10 Columbia College 11 Arizona State 12 Maryland Institute College of Art 13 Columbia 13 Cranbrook Academy of Art 13 Virginia 16 Bard College 17 The of Arizona亞利桑那* 18 College of Art 18 Savannah College of Art and Design 20 Carnegie Mellon 卡內基梅隆* 20 San Francisco Art Institute 20 Temple 辦理簽證是在你拿到學校錄取通知書后就可以開始辦理了。