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      位置:編程語言培訓資訊 > go培訓資訊 > 終于理會購買禮物的英文怎么說


      日期:2019-08-20 07:29:12     瀏覽:1249    來源:天才領路者
      禮物就是在節日里朋友之間或親人之間互相贈送的東西,表達了人與人之間最溫馨最美好的心意。*的禮物不一定是最貴重的,而是別人急需卻又一時無法獲得的。禮物不一定是實質物品,也可以是一個行為或是一件事。禮物的最終目的是送禮物的人希望把自己的心意傳達給被送禮物的人,要針對不同的受禮對象區別對待。一般說來,對家貧者,以實惠實用為佳;富裕者,以精巧創意為佳;對夫妻,情侶、以紀念浪漫為佳;對朋友,以趣味性為佳;對老人,以健康實用為佳;對孩子,以啟智新穎為佳;對外賓,以特色為佳。那么,購買禮物的英文怎么說呢? ?


      ? 1.挑選禮物 ? A:What can I do for you?A:需要我幫忙嗎?B:I want to find something typically Chinese as a gift.B:我想找一些典型的*飾品作為禮物。A:How about this artistic tapestry and this cloisonne vase?A:這件藝術掛毯和這個景泰藍花瓶怎么樣?B:Well,I'm looking for something a little different.These teapots are beautiful.Are they made of procelain?B:嗯,我在找稍微不一樣的東西。這些茶壺真漂亮,它們是瓷器做的嗎?A:No,they are made of clay.They are Yixing purple clay teapots.This kind of tea ware is very famous in China.A:不,它們是用黏土做成的。它們是宜興紫砂壺。這種茶具在*非常有名。B:Ah,I see.B:啊!我明白了。 ? 2.買瓶酒 ? A:I'd like to buy a bottle of wine or liquor for my father. You have so many kinds here that I can't decide which one to buy.A:我要買瓶酒給我老爸,種類那么多,我不知道買哪一種好。B:How about this Scotch whisky? It's distilled from a pure barley malt mash and is aged in cherry casks. Or you may buy this XO cognac brandy. It's 10 years old and contains about 45% alcohol.B:這種蘇格蘭威士忌怎么樣?這是麥芽泥蒸餾做的,貯放在櫻桃木酒桶內已經長年累月。不然,買這種XO 甘邑白蘭地。10 年老酒,大約含45%的酒精。A:I see. Would you tell me something about gin, rum and vodka, please?A:原來如此。你介紹一下杜松子酒、蘭姆酒和伏特加,好嗎?B:Sure. Rums are distilled from the fermented juice of the sugar cane or from fermented molasses. This one is distilled in Jamaica, and bottled in London. Gin is made from a mash of grain and juniper berries and Vodka is distilled from a mash of rye, wheat or potatoes. Vodka mixes easily with fruit juices.B:沒問題。蘭姆酒是用發酵的甘蔗汁或發酵的糖蜜蒸餾而成的。這一瓶在牙買加釀造,在倫敦裝瓶。杜松子酒是谷類糊漿和杜松子醬果釀造的,而伏特加則是燕麥、大麥或馬鈴薯蒸餾而成的,伏特加可以和果汁搭配。 ? 3.談論禮物 ? A:I have many friends in the US.But I don't know what I should buy them for gifts.A:我有很多朋友在美國,但是我不知道該為他們買些什么禮物。B:It's unnecessary to buy anything.B:沒必要買什么禮物。A:Really?You are kidding.How can I go emptyhanded to visit my friends?I would be embarrassed.A:是嗎?你不是在開玩笑吧。我怎么能空手去拜訪我的朋友呢?我會很難堪的。B:If you really want to bring something,it should be a small,inexpensive item.You should bring some candy,toys,Chinese paper cutting or fancy bookmarks.B:如果你真的要買,買些便宜的小東西就行了。例如糖果、玩具、*剪紙或者是漂亮的書簽。A:Such a small gift?A:這么小的禮物?B:Yes,Americans are different from Chinese.The American idea of a gift is to bring a nice“token”that says“I have thought of you,”not a gift that says“Look,how much money I have spent!”B:是的,美國人和*人不同。在美國人眼里,送禮物是送一份“誠意”,表明“我一直惦念你”,而不是說“看,我花了多少錢”! ? 4.征求意見 ? A:How about Chinese tea?A:*的茶葉怎么樣?B:Tea is a good gift.B:茶葉作為禮物不錯。A:Thanks for your advice.A:謝謝你的指點!B:You're welcome.B:不客氣。 ? 5.降價銷售 ? A:Can I help you,madam?A:夫人,您要買點什么?B:I'd like to buy some presents for my friends.B:我想為朋友買些禮物。A:Would you like jewellery?Today is Mother's Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich's.A:您要不要首飾?今天是母親節,瑞奇首飾專柜的所有首飾都降價銷售。B:That's great.Do you have gold jewels?B:那太好了。你們有黃金飾品嗎?A:Yes,we have 24K and 18K gold necklaces,chains and earrings.A:有,我們有24K和18K的金項鏈、手鏈和耳環。B:May I have a look?B:我可以看看嗎?A:Sure.A:可以。 ? 6.打折 ? A:What is the price of this tea set?A:這套茶具多少錢?B:It is 600 yuan.B:600元錢。A:That's too much,I'll take it if you give me a 50% discount.A:太貴了,如果給我打5折,我就買了它。B:Well,I can just take 100 yuan off the price.B:嗯,我只可以便宜100元。A:All right,I will take this set.A:好吧,我要買這一套。 ? 7.剪紙 ? A:What is the design of this paper cut?A:這個剪紙的圖案是什么?B:They are lotus flowers.B:它們是荷花。A:Ah,how beautiful!How much is it?A:啊,多美啊!多少錢?B:It is 20 yuan.B:20元錢。A:I will take it.Can I have it framed.I want to send it to my friend.A:我要買了它。你可以把它裝進框子里嗎?我想把它送給我朋友。B:Yes,but you will have to pay for the frame.It is 30 yuan.B:可以,但是框子要付錢,框子30元。A:All right.Here is the money.It is 50 yuan altogether.A:好吧。給你錢,總共是50元。B:Thank you.B:謝謝。 ? 8.結婚禮物 ? A:So,your friend's getting married on Saturday.What have you bought her as a wedding gift? I find it so hard to choose the right gift.A:你朋友周六結婚。你給她買了什么結婚禮物?我發現挑選一個合適的禮物很難。B:My friend and her fiance had a really good idea.They have cut out pictures from catalogues and pasted them in a notebook.The pictures are of the things they want.People sign their name by the item they will buy.B:我朋友和她的未婚夫有很不錯的想法。他們把圖片從目錄中剪下來,粘到筆記本上。他們想要的就是照片上的那些東西。別人就在他們準備買的東西旁寫上名字。A:That's clever!What things were in the notebook?A:真聰明!本上有些什么東西呢?B:Most of the things were household appliances.You know,everything from an iron through a vacuum cleaner to a cooker.B:大部分都是家用設備。你知道的,從熨斗到吸塵器到灶具。 ?


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