A : We are thinking of going abroad this year.我們今年想出國度假。
B : Have you decided which country to go to?你決定去哪個*了嗎?
A: What's the purpose of your visit?旅行的目的為何?
B : I am here to visit my friends./ I'm just here for holiday.我來訪友。/我是來度假的。
A: Helen. where arc we going now?海倫,我們現在去哪里?
B : We will make our first stop at the Eiffel Tower.我們*站先到艾菲爾鐵塔。
A: This is lucky charm from China.這是*的幸運符。
B : It's cute, what's this made of?真可愛.是用什么做的?
A : It's made of Chinese jade.是用*玉做的。
A : Someone stoic my purse. I had some valuables in it.有人偷了我的錢包,里面有一些貴重物品。
B : Please come with me to the police station and report it.請跟我到警察局來做一下筆錄。
A : How do you enjoy your seaside trip?你們的海濱之行玩得不錯吧?
B : We really had a good time.我們玩得很開心。