2021年12月英語四六級考試備考已經開始,文都網校四六級小編在這里準備了四六級翻譯練習題:光盤行動,希望大家能夠從中總結經驗,在考試中取得好成績。 【四級翻譯原文】 據新華社(Xinhua News Agency)報道稱,*人每年浪費的食物約等同于5000萬噸糧食。讓人更為震驚的*生浪費的食物數量是*平均量的兩倍。為了減少糧食浪費,許多高校食堂紛紛采取各種措施。通過提高飯菜的質量、提供小份菜等舉措鼓勵學生參與“光盤行動”(eat-up campaign)。這些措施極大地提高了學生們節約食物的意識。很多學生表示要為杜絕食物浪費盡一己之力。 【參考翻譯】 According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people every year is equal to about 50 million tons of grain.What is more is that college students waste twice as much food as the national average.To reduce food waste, many college canteens have taken various measures.By adopting measures like improving the food quality and offering small portions, they encourage students to join in the eat-up campaign.These measures have greatly improved students' awareness of food .Many students said they would do their bit to eliminate food waste. 【六級翻譯原文】 “光盤行動”(“Clear Your Plate”Campaign)建議用餐者吃光盤子里的東西,鼓勵將剩菜打包帶走,以免浪費糧食。現在,*的不少飯店都開始提供小份菜(smaller dishes)。*每年浪費的糧食接近*糧食總產量的1/10,成為世界上*的人為災害。“光盤行動”提醒人們,在他們大肆浪費糧食的時候,全世界仍然有許多人因為饑餓而死亡。“光盤行動”不再是某一個組織或個人的行動,而是一個關系到人類生存環境的行動,它有利于解決當前資源短缺的狀況。 【參考翻譯】 "Clear Your Plate" Campaign proposes that diners eatup their food in plates and them to take leftovers home in order to avoid food wasting, so a number of in China are offering smaller dishes now. The grain wasted in China each year is close to 1/10 of the national total grain output, which has become the world's largest man-made disaster. "Clear Your Plate" Campaign reminds people that when they are wasting food without restraint, there are still many people around the world who have died of . It is no longer an action of a certain or an , but one related to the human living , which can to resolving the current shortage of resources.
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