Speech Contest 如英語演講比賽:English Speech Contest 如今也常用:English-speaking Contest/
開場白Opening a 根據場合的不同,開場白有很多種不同的表達方式,可以很平實,表示感謝到來,也可以很激昂,一句話就勾住聽眾的心。舉例1:在正式場合做演講,需要隆重的開場白①Ladies and gentleman. It's an honor to have the to address such a audience.女士們先生們,我感到很榮幸有機會在這么多杰出的觀眾面前發言。②Good morning, everyone. I’m thankful for your coming, and you will thank me by the end of my speech. Because I am going to be talking about a method that could double your profit margins or your salary.大家早上好,我很感謝你們的到來,但演講的結尾你們會感謝我。因為我要說的是一種能使你的利潤/工資翻倍的方法。(自信,幽默,先聲奪人,引起聽眾興趣)舉例2:在輕松場合,可以隨意一些① Hello, everybody. Thank you for making an effort to come today.大家好。謝謝大家今天抽出時間來這里。② Good morning/afternoon, I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.早上/下午好,我很開心能站在這里給大家分享一段短演講。(課堂分享開頭常用)概述Summary of 在開場白之后,演講者應該簡單說明一下你的展示,包括主要內容、展示時長等。【主題】he subject of my is...我今天演示的主題是……I shall be speaking about...我主要談論……Today we are here to give a on...今天我們要做一個關于……的演示【發言長度】During the next ten minutes, I shall...在接下來十分鐘,我會……My will last for about twenty minutes.我的演示大概有二十分鐘。I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time.我的演示不會超過十分鐘。I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief.我知道時間不多了,所以我會簡短說明。【概要】My is in three parts/main sections.我的展示主要分為三部分。There are four main aspects to this topic, (Firstly..., Secondly..., Thirdly..., Finally…)這個話題主要有四個方面,(*,第二,第三,*...)I will deal with these topics in order.我將按時間順序說明這些問題。【引起聽眾興趣】I’m going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.我要說的是對我們所有人都至關重要的事情。The next ten minutes will change your attitude to your work and your life.接下來的十分鐘將改變你對工作和生活的態度。At the end of this , you will why this family has been so for so long.在演講的*,您會理解為什么這個家族能如此成功,并能一直保持榮耀。【歡迎提問】Please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.如果你有任何問題,請隨意打斷我。If you need on any point, you’re welcome to ask any questions at any time.如果你有任何問題需要澄清,歡迎隨時提問。There will be time for questions at the end of the .在展示*,我們會留出時間來進行問答。I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the .我很樂意回答您在演講結束時提出的任何問題。切入正題Subject of (1)演講過程中,時不時要提醒觀眾:內容和他們的切身利益密切相關。As I said at the beginning…正如我開頭時所講的那樣…As you remember, we are concerned with…正如你所記得的那樣,我們十分關心…的問題。It relates directly to the question I put to you before.這與我之前向你們提出的問題直接相關。(2)確保觀眾跟上你的思路。That's all I have to say about…這就是關于…我所要講的所有內容了。(總結上面)I'd now like to move on to …現在我要說下一個…(啟示下文)(3)引導觀眾看PPTThis graph shows you…這一圖表你展示了……I'd like you to look at this map.我希望你們能看一下這個地圖。As you can see flow chart, ...就像你看到的流程圖,(可以看出...)如何救場Save the 在英文演講中,萬一有些說法出現錯誤,就要自我糾正,可以用以下英文句子救場:【敘述的事實出錯后,重新說一次正確的】Sorry, what I meant is ...抱歉,我想表達的意思是...【進度太快,要重復一下剛才的內容】So, let’s recap on that.那么,我們再概括一下剛剛所講的內容。【講漏了一部分,要補充說明】Sorry, I should mention one thing.不好意思,我剛剛還應該提到一點。【忘了如何用英語表達想說的內容】Sorry, what’s the word/ I’m looking for? (the audience is always willing to help)對不起,我要用的那個詞/短語是什么來著?(通常聽眾都會很熱心地幫忙)【某種說法聽眾明顯聽不懂】Let me rephrase that.我換種說法吧。總結 a (1)用兩三句話,快速、簡短地總結出演講的要點Well, that's about it for now. We've covered…這就是我所要講的全部內容了,我們說過了…That brings me to the end of my . I've talked about …這就到了整個展示的結尾了。我已經說過了…(2)如果演講內容有可操作性,如理財計劃,那么鼓勵聽眾形成下一步計劃和行動In , if you want to …, you need to …總之,如果你未來想…,現在你就要開始行動。(3)*,感謝所有人的到來If you think of other questions, send me an email. Thank you all for coming today.如果你想問其他問題,就給我發郵件。謝謝你們今天來。回想一下,步入社會多年的你,是否遇到以下問題:拜訪客戶,不會自我介紹導致印象差,不知如何開口而被掃地出門?和領導/同事吃飯,沒有共同話題,顯得格格不入而被排斥?公司述職,因緊張怯場,大腦一片空白,被上司趕下臺?團隊會議,因說話沒底氣、邏輯混亂,在下屬面前喪失威信?和朋友相處,嘴笨反應慢,因言不達意而得罪人?和親人相聚,因說話無分寸,家庭矛盾重生,親人間斷絕來往?想學習更多口才演講請添加老師咨詢哦!!
為了提高有需要的朋友的英語演講能力,我前段時間分享了《英文演講實用表達,有備無患!》,為大家講解了英語演講基礎、實用的表達。今天我將與大家分享進階版的必備佳句,希望朋友們有所收益~具有感情色彩演講句型① Words can’t express... 言語表達不了……例句:Words can’t express how lucky I am.簡直不能用言語來表達我有多幸運。Words can’t express my heartfelt thanks to you. 語言不足以表達我對你們由衷感激之情。② Thank you from the bottom of my heart for…我從心底感謝……例句:Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today.我從心底感謝你們今天給了解這個機會在你們前面講話。具有領導風格的演講句型① on behave of… 代表……例句:On behave of AAE, I want to thank you for coming.我代表美國英文(AAE),感謝你們的到來。② I ask all of you present to... 我要求在座各位……例句:I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to our .我要求在座的各位與我一起舉杯,為我們的友誼長青干杯。I ask all of you present to join hands in the battle against .我要求在座各位攜起手來反腐敗。引發思考的演講句型How can we…? 我們怎樣才能……?How can we work more ?我們怎樣才能工作得更加有效率?具有感染力的演講句型① I know I speak for... 我知道我在為……說話。例句:I know I speak for the entire class when I say that we will make you proud. 我知道,當我說我們一定會讓你們為我們感到驕傲時,我是代表整個畢業班的同學所說的。And when I say this, I know I speak for every human resident on this planet. 我知道,我這么說是代表這個地球上每一個人的心聲。② I sincerely hope... 我衷心希望……例句:I sincerely hope in future to work together with you! 我真誠希望在未來的發展中與你們攜手合作!I sincerely hope that you will have a wonderful time tonight.我們衷心希望你們今晚過得開心。③ I would like to pay tribute to… 我想對……表示敬意 例句:I would like to pay tribute to the of all the who worked on this project.我想對參與這個項目的所有專家的奉獻表示敬意。 具有煽動性的演講句型① I want to remind... 我想提醒……例句:I want to remind you all that we share the .我想提醒大家,我們都得承擔責任。② fight for… 為……而戰例句:Fight for the of this country.為振興這個*而戰。具有震撼力的演講句型... mean(s) a great deal to... 對……意義重大例句:Your support means a great deal to me.你們的支持對我來說意義重大。最經典的英文演講賞析① Ask not what...can do for you, ask what you can do for...不要問……能為你做什么,問問你能為……做什么【點評】肯尼迪總統的那句“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”至今仍為世人廣為傳頌。我們將他這個句子中的精華提煉出來,能造出不少同樣鏗鏘有力,同樣震撼人心的句子。例句:Ask not what society can do for you; ask what you can do for society.不要問社會能為你做什么,問問你能為社會做什么。② I have a dream… I have a dream…我有一個夢想……(排比句,鏗鏘有力,至情至性)【點評】< I have a dream >(《我有一個夢想》)是馬丁?路德?金于1963年8月28日在華盛頓林肯紀念堂發表的著名演講,內容主要關于民族平等,對美國甚至世界影響很大。例句欣賞:(摘錄)I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all man are created equal."我夢想有一天,這個*會站立起來,真正實現其信條的真諦:“我們認為這些真理是不言而喻的——人人生而平等。” I have a dream that one day even the state of , a state with the heat of injustice, with the heat of , will be into an oasis of freedom and justice.我夢想有一天,甚至連密西西比州這個正義匿跡,壓迫成風的地方,也將變成自由和正義的綠洲。I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."我夢想有一天,幽谷上升,高山下降,坎坷曲折之路成坦途,圣光披露,照滿人間。③ It is to this high purpose that I now call…為了如此崇高的目標,我呼吁……【點評】選自電影
有留學經歷的朋友都知道,很多國外*都非常注重演講,所以經常會聽到留學生朋友的吐槽“每天一睜眼就要(演講)!”而且每次演講都與成績息息相關,絕對不能隨便應付。 今天,我給大家總結了幾個英文演講的實用表達方式,希望能幫到有需要的朋友!開場白 Opening a 根據場合的不同,開場白有很多種不同的表達方式,可以很平實,表示感謝到來,也可以很激昂,一句話就勾住聽眾的心。舉例1:在正式場合做演講,需要隆重的開場白① Ladies and gentleman. It's an honor to have the to address such a audience.女士們先生們,我感到很榮幸有機會在這么多杰出的觀眾面前發言。② Good morning, everyone. I'm thankful for your coming, and you will thank me by the end of my speech. Because I am going to be talking about a method that could double your profit margins or your salary.大家早上好,我很感謝你們的到來,但演講的結尾你們會感謝我。因為我要說的是一種能使你的利潤/工資翻倍的方法。(自信,幽默,先聲奪人,引起聽眾興趣)舉例2:在輕松場合,可以隨意一些① Hello, everybody. Thank you for making an effort to come today.大家好。謝謝大家今天抽出時間來這里。② Good morning/afternoon, I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.早上/下午好,我很開心能站在這里給大家分享一段短演講。(課堂分享開頭常用) 概述 Summary of 在開場白之后,演講者應該簡單說明一下你的展示,包括主要內容、展示時長等。·【主題】The subject of my is...我今天演示的主題是……I shall be speaking about...我主要談論……Today we are here to give a on...今天我們要做一個關于……的演示·【發言長度】During the next ten minutes, I shall...在接下來十分鐘,我會……My will last for about twenty minutes.我的演示大概有二十分鐘。I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time.我的演示不會超過十分鐘。I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief.我知道時間不多了,所以我會簡短說明。·【概要】My is in three parts/main sections.我的展示主要分為三部分。There are four main aspects to this topic, (Firstly..., Secondly..., Thirdly..., Finally…)這個話題主要有四個方面,(*,第二,第三,*...)·【引起聽眾興趣】I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.我要說的是對我們所有人都至關重要的事情。The next ten minutes will change your attitude to your work and your life.接下來的十分鐘將改變你對工作和生活的態度。At the end of this , you will why this family has been so for so long.在演講的*,您會理解為什么這個家族能如此成功,并能一直保持榮耀。·【歡迎提問】Please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.如果你有任何問題,請隨意打斷我。If you need on any point, you're welcome to ask any questions at any time.如果你有任何問題需要澄清,歡迎隨時提問。There will be time for questions at the end of the .在展示*,我們會留出時間來進行問答。I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the .我很樂意回答您在演講結束時提出的任何問題。切入正題 Subject of (1)演講過程中,時不時要提醒觀眾:內容和他們的切身利益密切相關As I said at the beginning…正如我開頭時所講的那樣…As you remember, we are concerned with…正如你所記得的那樣,我們十分關心…的問題。It relates directly to the question I put to you before.這與我之前向你們提出的問題直接相關。(2)確保觀眾跟上你的思路That's all I have to say about…這就是關于…我所要講的所有內容了。(總結上面)I'd now like to move on to …現在我要說下一個…(啟示下文)(3)引導觀眾看PPTThis graph shows you…這一圖表你展示了……I'd like you to look at this map.我希望你們能看一下這個地圖。As you can see flow chart, ...就像你看到的流程圖,(可以看出...)如何救場 Save the 在英文演講中,萬一有些說法出現錯誤,就要自我糾正,可以用以下英文句子救場:?【敘述的事實出錯后,重新說一次正確的】Sorry, what I meant is ...抱歉,我想表達的意思是...?【進度太快,要重復一下剛才的內容】So, let's recap on that.那么,我們再概括一下剛剛所講的內容。?【講漏了一部分,要補充說明】Sorry, I should mention one thing.不好意思,我剛剛還應該提到一點。?【忘了如何用英語表達想說的內容】Sorry, what's the word/ I'm looking for? (the audience is always willing to help)對不起,我要用的那個詞/短語是什么來著?(通常聽眾都會很熱心地幫忙)?【某種說法聽眾明顯聽不懂】Let me rephrase that.我換種說法吧。總結 a (1)用兩三句話,快速、簡短地總結出演講的要點Well, that's about it for now. We've covered…這就是我所要講的全部內容了,我們說過了…That brings me to the end of my . I've talked about …這就到了整個展示的結尾了。我已經說過了…(2)如果演講內容有可操作性,如理財計劃,那么鼓勵聽眾形成下一步計劃和行動In , if you want to …, you need to …總之,如果你未來想…,現在你就要開始行動。(3)*,感謝所有人的到來If you think of other questions, send me an email. Thank you all for coming today. 如果你想問其他問題,就給我發郵件。謝謝你們今天來。
隨著英語教學的逐漸改進,同學們學習英語的方式方法也變得多種多樣。說到英語演講,相信同學們對它都不陌生,一來呢,英語演講是一種很好的學習英語的方式,能夠鍛煉詞匯、寫作、口語等多方面的英語能力,另一方面,英語演講也是對英語學習一個很好的檢驗,英語究竟是什么水平都可以通過英語演講得到體現。下面,我以一篇三分鐘的英語演講的演講稿范文跟大家聊一聊英語演講稿的寫作與技巧。【專業代寫英語演講稿、講話稿、發言稿等,有需要可咨詢文案客服 薇:】☆點擊鏈接,即可咨詢,☆ Your would you do if you failed?Many people may choose to give up.However,the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal.On your way to success,you must keep your Head Hunting, Selezione del Personale ed Executive Search - Bologna is just like a lamp,guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way.Otherwise,you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.Direction means .You can get nowhere without an objective in life.You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it.In this way,you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly.And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time.全文翻譯:堅持你的方向如果失敗了你會怎么做?很多人可能會選擇放棄。然而,要想成功,最可靠的方法就是堅持你的方向和目標。在通往成功的路上,你必須堅持你的方向。它就像一盞燈,在黑暗中為你指路,幫助你度過難關。否則,你很容易就會迷失方向或猶豫不前。方向意味著目標。人生如果沒有目標,將一事無成。【專業代寫英語演講稿、講話稿、發言稿等,有需要可咨詢文案客服 薇:】☆點擊鏈接,即可咨詢,☆ and gentlemen,也可根據不同情況,選用Fellow students, guests,Mr Chairman,Honorable Judges(評委)等等。2)提出論題由于演講的'時間限制,必須開門見山,提出論題。提出論題的方法有各種各樣,但最生動,最能引起注意的是用舉例法。比如:你要呼吁大家關心貧窮地區的孩子,你可以用親眼看到的或者收集到的那些貧窮孩子多么需要幫助的實例開始。另外,用具體的統計數據也是一個有效的引出論題的方法,比如:你要談遵守交通規則的話題,你可以從舉一系列有關車輛、車禍等的數據開始。3)論證對提出的論題,不可主觀地妄下結論,而要進行客觀的論證。這是演講中最需要下功夫的部分。關鍵是要把道理講清楚。常見的論證方法有舉例法、因果法、對比法等等,可參見英語議論文的有關章節。4)結論結論要簡明扼要,以給聽眾留下深刻印象。5)結尾結尾要簡潔,不要拉拉扯扯,說個沒完。特別是不要受漢語影響,說些類似“準備不足,請諒解”,“請批評指正”這樣的廢話。最普通的結尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention。希望今天的分享,能夠給你帶來啟發。如果有幫助到你的地方,或者你覺得說的還不錯,希望小仙女們能高抬貴手,走過路過,給我點個贊唄。【專業代寫各類演講、總結、報告、計劃、材料、方案等文案,有需要可咨詢文案客服 薇號:】☆點擊鏈接,即可咨詢,☆
演講比賽 speech contest 英語演講比賽 English speech contest她在演講比賽中獲得頭等獎。She annexed the first prize in the speech contest
通常都是“Ladies and gentlemen,I thanks very much for .../I feel honored to come here..." 問侯我就不用說了,說說比較新穎一點的: I want to thank all of you for your when I arrived.You have a for your and I now know why....(可根據實際情況是否使用) 另外福特有句名言很適合在這兒用: As Ford used to say :"Coming together is a beginning,keeping together is a progress ,working together is a success." 一定要用大家一般都認得的名人的話. 或者你也可以試試這句: Today is a special occasion because this is first time that all of us from different places have been brought together,and what we would like to achieve is .... 總之要根據你的情況靈活運用.
So,this is my oral .Thank you for your listining.