哈嘍大家好,最近有很多小伙伴向我了解:如何是好鍛煉英語演講。今天就把如何是好鍛煉英語演講相關(guān)的幾個問題都整理出來給大家參考下。分別是:關(guān)于健康或運動的英語演講稿 3分鐘,如何在短時間內(nèi)迅速提高自己的英語演講水平?,如何鍛煉身體英語作文,怎么準備或訓(xùn)練全英即興演講?,我最喜歡的運動 英語作文,求關(guān)于體育運動的英文演講稿,英語演講稿1分鐘帶翻譯,請問怎么鍛煉以下這種英語即興演講能力(見下文)???
關(guān)于健康或運動的英語演講稿 3分鐘
how to learn english well? maybe some people donot know how to learn english . english is a popular language in the world at the moment. first, you must know the worlds and master the phonetic (音標)。.learning english words is very easy and important .if you donot master the phonetic,your school are not the english words (你就學(xué)不會英語單詞).then you can read the english articles and recite the english words, grammar focus every day. in addition(另外), you must do more english listening (英語聽力). finally, wish you learning in !
Keep healthy as we know ,have a health body is good for ourselves .so, to keep health is very important.How to keep health is a attention problem at present.People always gets ill by mouth,so i think to keep a health diet is the first important thing.If you want to have a good health body you need to eat more ,fruit,bean and some other green food. If you have a good health body,you won't easy catch a cold or other illness.So to do more exercise is good for health.You can do some morning exercise,play table tennis,play baskeball and so on. To sleep well and have a good mood are very necessary.You'll need to persevere if you want to have a healthy body.
我最喜歡的運動 英語作文
My favorite sports My fayorite sports are play ,play football and running. I love to do sports very much, so P.E. is my favorite subject.I think do sports are excting and . I think me play very well.In our class,me play best.I love playing best! I love doing sports,and you? 翻譯: 我最喜歡的體育運動是打籃球,踢足球和跑步。 我非常喜歡做運動,因此,體育是我最喜歡的科目,我認為做運動時令人激動的和有趣的。 我認為我打籃球很好。在我們的教室里,我打籃球最棒。我最喜歡打籃球! 我喜歡最運動,你呢?
i love swimming i am not that kind of sport person. i have many interests, but not many for sports. i only enjoy watching sports. but it is a differnet story for swimming. i have been growingly in it recently. what swim brings to me is the feeling of freedom. on the earth, there are animals flying, swimming, and walking. while the other two groupd enjoy three dimension world, the third group can only move at a two dimention surface. , human is among the last group. it is really hard for human to fly; , we can still swim. within water, the world is expanded from 2 dimension to 3. that is the beauty. also, swim is not as tough as running. both running and swimming are healthy sports.?running, to me, is a kind of suffer; while swimming is really a pleasure. at least, that is my personal feeling. so, i will keep my current plan, swim three days a week, at least half an hour each time.
Hello,everyone! Do you like sport? I like it very much! Sometimes I like to do some sports with my friends. You should do the sport more, because it is very good for your healthy! On your free time, how about running?I always do it! Why don't you play with your friends? It's very ! I think so. And why don't you play some games, it can relax to you! Would you like to do some sports and play some games with me? Welcome to you! That's all. Thank you! 你好,每個人! 你喜歡運動嗎?我非常喜歡它!有時候,我喜歡和我的朋友們做一些運動。你應(yīng)該做更多的運動,因為它對你的身體是很好的!在你的空閑時間,如何運行?我總是這樣做!你為什么不與你的朋友玩籃球嗎?這是非常有趣的!我是這么認為的。你為什么不玩一些游戲,它可以放松你的! 你想做一些運動和我玩游戲嗎?歡迎你! 這一切。謝謝你!
抱歉,我的回答可能太偏向于應(yīng)試思維,所以極有可能引起題主的不適。因為題主的描述有限(沒有說這是什么類型、什么水平的比賽、比賽的背景是什么),我又想試著幫助題主,所以冒險嘗試回答一下吧。??關(guān)于考試(以下文字是應(yīng)試思維的產(chǎn)物)【即興演講】就是【口頭作文】口頭作文相較于書面作文*的難點就在于:不能改!說出去的話潑出去的水。而且,是作文就要做到邏輯嚴謹。好在題主面臨的比賽有30分鐘的準備時間。這意味著你至少有5分鐘畫個思維導(dǎo)圖(或提綱),把自己想表達的觀點羅列出來并用論據(jù)支撐。既然是錄視頻,題主可以用平板電腦或者隨便什么紙質(zhì)的東西,把自己先前列好的思維導(dǎo)圖放上去當題詞器。*跟鏡頭放在一個方向,就像電視主播播新聞一樣~哈哈,這樣應(yīng)該會呈現(xiàn)更好的效果。自己在比賽之前也多做幾次模擬計時考試,完全按照比賽規(guī)則來。使自己更加適應(yīng)這種節(jié)奏。題主也*問問參加過這個比賽的人,跟他們?nèi)∪〗?jīng)。??關(guān)于積累(以下文字是興趣愛好的產(chǎn)物)先上劉欣大佬的圖,央視英語主持人。她的語言犀利、觀點透徹,經(jīng)常能一針見血。建議題主多看看這位大佬的視頻。學(xué)學(xué)她的邏輯和用詞。就我個人而言,懷著對大佬的崇拜,我更能記住她嘴里說出來的好詞好句。比自己死記硬背好多了。更具體一點的做法是逐句看她的視頻,總結(jié)一套常用的連接詞句來背誦。(或者題主之前自己總結(jié)過,直接背誦也可以)保證比賽以前每天都讀一讀,形成肌肉記憶。以免比賽當天因為緊張而卡殼。學(xué)習(xí)大佬的語音語調(diào)。對于即興演講來說,這肯定是加分項。題主也可以選擇自己認為好的英語演講視頻,作為學(xué)習(xí)材料。只要是肯下功夫,樓主一定有所收獲。*再重申一下我的學(xué)習(xí)理念:??【一萬小時定律】相信題主知道是什么意思哈~??【熟能生巧】、【practice makes perfect】、??【量變產(chǎn)生質(zhì)變】,?? 這些都告訴我們【重復(fù)練習(xí)】是科學(xué)有效的方法。祝樓主早日學(xué)有所成!
上面關(guān)于健康或運動的英語演講稿 3分鐘,如何在短時間內(nèi)迅速提高自己的英語演講水平?,如何鍛煉身體英語作文,怎么準備或訓(xùn)練全英即興演講?,我最喜歡的運動 英語作文,求關(guān)于體育運動的英文演講稿,英語演講稿1分鐘帶翻譯,請問怎么鍛煉以下這種英語即興演講能力(見下文)???就是我對如何是好鍛煉英語演講整理出來的一些網(wǎng)友的觀點,如果您還有我們疑問,可以與我們客服小姐姐聯(lián)系咨詢!