?智力水平(Intellectual Skills)
2.Curiosity (有好奇心)
3.Discrimination——ability to distinguish what is important from what is
trivial (辨別事情的輕重緩急)
4.Imagination and creativity (培養自己的想象力和創造力)
5.Common sense (對環境條件和事實的感知的理性的判斷! )
6.Objectivity (客觀理智的對待問題!減少主觀臆斷造成的損失)
7.Intuition (判斷客 觀事實、痛苦與快樂的直覺)
8. Skill in observation of natural, technical, or social phenomena (
9. Systematic problem-solving ( 系統、條理的處理問題的能力)
10. A good memory (多思考減少未來可能提前到來的老年癡呆! )
11.Capacity for logical reasoning, including abstract and the oretical
reasoning (培養邏輯推理能力,這不是-般人能真正學到的,總結和理性邏輯的能力很重要。)
12.Capacity to draw logical inferencesfrom observational and
13.Ability to conceive an explanatory hypothesis and design critical
【天津考研專業課一對一有必要嗎】 teststoevaluate it (要能對產生的實際問題做出全面合理的假設,然后設計方案解決)
?溝通能力(Communication Skills)
1.Capacity toretrieve information from published sources ( 提取信息的能力)
2 Skillin learning by interview methods(通過互相交談進行學習的能力!這是接收信息的能力)
3.Capacity to communicate in writing(寫作中的表達能力)
4.Capacity to communicate orally (口頭相互交流的能力)
5. Skillinuseofcomputersand .otherinformation- processing devices
6.Skill in graphic display of information and ideas
?人格魅力(Personality Characteristics)
2. Motivation anddrive (應該學會 自我激勵)
3. Self-confidence (要*自信)
4. Dependability (讓自己值得信賴!communication can takeeffect!)
5. Independence (人格和思想的*獨立性)
6. Empathy (這個詞比較難理解! 1、要執著和投入;2、要站在別人的角度考慮當時的問題,不要執著于無畏的爭執。)
7. Capacity to work effectively withsuperiors, peers, and 【天津考研培訓集訓班】 subordinates
8. Initiative and sense of responsibility(不要因失敗而放棄,有主觀能動性,勇敢的行動!責任心很重要)
9. Capacity for objective self-criticism(不斷進行客觀的自我批評,別人的指責有一部分在于自己的錯)
10. Leadership and management
?工作能力(Habits of Work)
1. Efhciency in the use of time
2.Persistence——ability to see things through to completion
3. Capacity forsustained intellectual andphysical work
(勞逸結合!只學不玩兒,聰明的孩子會變傻! AIlI work and no playmakesJack a dull
4. Orderliness (條理,別亂)
?動手能力(Manual dexterity)
1. Skill in the development, selection, and use of appropriate scientifc,
engineering, orartistic apparatus, machines, and models