I really like eating. 我很喜歡吃。
What do you think about football? 你喜歡踢足球嗎?
I enjoy watching TV. 我喜歡看電視。
I quite like reading. 我十分喜歡閱讀。
I love fishing. 我喜歡釣魚。
I often listen to the tapes in my bedroom.我經常在臥室聽音樂。
I really like watching TV. 我真的喜歡看電視。
I like the books about the animals. 我喜歡有關動物的書。
I like to read the newspaper everyday. 我喜歡每天看報紙。
I used to keep a diary. 我有寫日記的習慣。
On the weekends, I usually watch a film. 周未,我通常都看電影。
I like to drink wine sometimes. 我有時候喜歡喝點酒。
The music has a good beat. 這首樂曲節奏真好。
I like music,cinema and sports.我喜歡音樂、電影和運動。
She likes singing and dancing. 她喜歡唱歌跳舞。
Jack has a butterfly collection. 杰克喜歡收集蝴蝶標本。
I go shopping whenever I am bored. 我煩的時候就會購物。
I like to listen to pop music from the 80`s. 我喜歡聽80年代的流行音樂。