來個例句:Along with the remarkable / tremendous advancement of the science and technology in the contemporary society.隨著科學技術在當代社會的飛速發(fā)展
背景就是:Along with the remarkable / tremendous advancement of.......隨著....巨大的進步,....怎么樣。把這句話套在這里:Along with the remarkable advancement of China's economy,the price of housing is higher and higher.當然可能有更好的套用方法,順便再添油加醋:Along with the remarkable advancement in the science of vaccination has yielded a much-improved quality of life and health among the world, by eradicating and helping in fighting many infectious diseases. 相信你一定會在考試的時候想方設法套用這句話的,無論什么題目,總能把這個帽子加進去。

例句:Nobody could fail to notice the fact that an increasing number of Chinese are fond of celebrating some Western festivals today.沒有人可以否認這樣的事實那就是:越來越多的人喜歡慶祝一些西方節(jié)日。
帽子就是:Nobody could fail to notice the fact that.....沒有人可以否認這樣的事實那就是...... 上面這句話與以下短語等價: There is no denying that...... It is widely accepted that...... It is universally acknowledged that..... It can't be denied that....... 這就意味著隨時換著句子用而不被發(fā)現(xiàn),就算發(fā)現(xiàn)了也沒什么的,因為水平確實不在高中了。對了,再介紹一個很管用的帽子:帽子二:As is verified in a recent survey conducted by the China Daily / the Economist / the Chinese Academy of Science....正如《日報》/《經(jīng)濟學人》/ 中科院 所做的趣味調(diào)查一樣......至于后面該加些什么就看情況而定了,只要你想加就一定能加的。假設我們作文題目是關于旅游的,我們就可以這樣寫:As is verified in a recent survey conducted by the China Daily,people in expanding numbers are getting interested in traveling.正如《日報》所做的趣味調(diào)查一樣,越來越多的人對旅游感興趣。