對于考生而言,考研英語5500詞并不陌生,但如何有效的記憶這些詞匯確實關鍵。你是一視同仁的從頭背到尾嗎?其實這些詞是分三種類型的,分別是核心級詞匯、拔高級詞匯和基礎級詞匯,下面小編一起來看看各種詞匯之間的區別及對應的記憶方法。 baby是什么意思及反義詞 可數名詞: 1.嬰兒,孩兒 2.小型,監控 詞形變化形容詞 babyish 形容詞比較級 babier,babiest 名稱 babyhood 時態 babied,babying,babies 復數 babies 單詞分析 這些名詞均有“孩子”之意。 baby日常用詞,一般指從剛出生的嬰兒到滿兩歲的或非常小的孩子,常含鐘愛意味。 child普通用詞,含義廣,無感論壇彩。泛指從胎兒、嬰兒到10歲左右的兒童。 infant書面用詞,狹義指出生后到兩歲的小孩,廣義指7歲以下的孩子;法律上則指未到法定年齡。 youngster泛指任何年齡的兒童或者少年,多指男孩,多為年長者的使用。 英語解釋 a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young) a project of personal concern to someone a very young mammal an immature childish person treat with excessive indulgence 例句 "The earliest banks started in Babylon almost 4,000 years ago. They were really temples which collected deposits and made loans." 較早的銀行大約是4000年前巴比建立的。事實上,這種銀行只是一種收集存款并進行放款的寺廟。 The sexagesimal scale, or number system based on 60, was used by ancient Babylonians 古巴比人用六十進位制,即以60為基的數系。 " Under frequent use, we strongly suggest you change your nipple every 4 or 6 months so as to ensure the health of your baby." 若經常使用,為了您寶寶的健康,建議奶嘴每4至6周更新一次 Merrily,we started purchasing the latest rage-- Baby-Sitter's Club dolls -- and beautiful story books, a doll house,a holiday dress and toys. 我們高高興興地開始采購當時風行的禮物——“臨時照看小孩者俱樂部”玩具娃娃——還有漂亮的故事書、一個玩具娃娃房子、一件節日連衣裙和玩具。 Within myself, I had sustained, from my babyhood, a perpetual conflict with injustice 拿我來說,我從孩提時代起就受虐待,我的心里也始終在反抗。 By 2000 B.C, babylonian arithmetic had evolved into a well-developed rhetorical, or prose, algebra 大約在公元前2000年,巴比算術已經演化成為一種高度發展的用文字敘述的代數學。 "Her one baby-voice served a multitude of imaginary personages, old and young, to talk withal." 她用自己一人的童音扮作想象中的形形色色、老老少少的角色相互交談。 The egg cracked and opened, and a dear little baby-swan, all feathered as with purest gold, put out its little head; round its neck it had four rings 蛋裂開了,一只很小的天鵝,伸出頭來,羽毛黃得就像純金一般。它的脖子上有四個環。