托福閱讀文章讀不懂,多半是因為詞匯和長難句。如果詞匯量積累尚有欠缺,建議大家多背詞匯,詞匯量提升以后閱讀文章也就不難理解了。那如果是因為長難句導致閱讀文章理解障礙該怎么辦呢 ? 大家要學習長難句的分析方法。 一 . 例解析托福閱讀長難句 1. 句子 The people of the Netherlands, with a long tradition of fisheries and mercantile shipping, had difficulty in developing good harbors suitable for steamships: eventually they did so at Rotterdam and Amsterdam, with exceptional results for transit trade with Germany and central Europe and for the processing of overseas foodstuffs and raw materials ( sugar, tobacco, chocolate, grain, and eventually oil ) . 2. 難點 本句的難點在于句子的修飾成分比較復雜,句子主干淹沒在長長的定語和狀語中。遇到這種句子只需要理清各個成分的修飾關系,就算定語和狀語很長,找到了句子主干和修飾關系,句子意思也就明朗了。這里需要分清楚定語和狀語的區別,定語修飾的是名詞性的成分,一般緊挨著被修飾詞 ( 比如,results for transit trade …,for transit trade 修飾的是 results ) ,而狀語則修飾非名詞性成分,而且位置比較靈活,放在句首、句中或者句尾都不影響句子含義。 3. 拆分 并列句 1:The people of the Netherlands, with a long tradition of fisheries and mercantile shipping, had difficulty in developing good harbors suitable for steamships. 并列句 2:Eventually they did so at Rotterdam and Amsterdam, with exceptional results for transit trade with Germany and central Europe and for the processing of overseas foodstuffs and raw materials ( sugar, tobacco, chocolate, grain, and eventually oil ) . 4. 句子成分 并列句 1:The people of the Netherlands, [ 主語 ] with a long tradition of fisheries and mercantile shipping, [ 定語 ] had [ 謂語 ] difficulty [ 賓語 ] in developing good harbors suitable for steamships. [ 定語 ] 翻譯:有著悠久傳統的漁業和航運業的荷蘭人,在建造適合汽船停靠的優良海港上遇到難題。