我們來看幾組英語六級考試中跟冠詞有著千絲萬縷聯系的詞組1. inpossessionof… & in the possession of… 擁有、占有之意,兩個短語*的區別就是一個the。in possession of…應使用人作為句子的主語,而in the possession of…則要使用物作為主語,of后跟someone。 例句:He was caught in possession of a gun and some drugs.那個嫌疑犯被逮住的時候被發現攜有一支槍和一些毒品。這句話也可以轉換為A gun and some drugs were in the possession ofthe suspect when he was caught.2. in charge of… & in someone’s charge 管理、負責之意。這組短語和*組類似,主語是人還是物,大家一定要留心。 例句:He was selected to be in charge of the new department. 他被選做這個新*的負責人。The new department was in the manager’s charge since it wasfounded. 這個新*成立時就是由經理來負責的。3. in fashion & in a fashion in fashion意為正在流行,相關短語還有come into fashion開始流行、bring…into fashion使某物流行。