為了幫助大家高效備考托福,今天小編為大家帶來托福寫作擴充句子技巧,希望對大家有所幫助。接下來跟小編一起來看看吧。 1. 增加并列成分; 2. 增加修飾成分; 3. 增加從句; 4. 增加連詞; 如以下例句: They grow long hair. 這個句子沒有任何閃光點,我們利用以上擴充方法來修改這句話,變成了如下的句子: They grow long hair, regardless of the gender, usually part of which is dyed in gold. 這句話就相當璀璨奪目,有修飾成分,也有從句。 同理,做以下的三個練習: 1. They wear jeans. They wear jeans in each and every season, commonly knees of which are deliberate torn. 2. Boys wear earrings. Boys are keen on earrings and other weird ornaments. 3. Girls smoke. Girls are fond of Marlboros or some odd bad words. 以下為一組多個句子組成的一段話。 Energy is much needed now. And nuclear plants are clean and economical. They can produce vast amounts of energy. But people, especially local residents are very concerned about safety. They hold a strong negative attitude toward them. 這幾個句子都是簡單句,雖然表達的意思很清楚,但是明顯沒有滿足ETS的口味偏好,下面我們將上述句子搭配成完整的復雜句。合并句子的準則為:同一個詞匯可以合并,變成從句或修飾成分,例如“energy”、“people”。 修改后的句子為: Nuclear plants are a clean and economical way of producing vast amounts of much-needed energy; however people, especially local residents, who are very concerned about safety, hold a strong negative attitude toward them. 同理,做兩個練習: 修改前:Some people succeed. Other people fail. The difference is not the number of opportunities. It is whether they can take advantage of opportunities. Opportunities will arise in the course of one's life, though they are rare.