140個核心詞匯成就你的托業 提煉總結給要參加托業考試的筒子,從托業880詞中提煉了更加核心的135詞,與各位正在準備托業的親共享之!標藍的地方是為了方便記憶寫的。 記憶方式:每天深刻記10個。兩周14天完成。一個月的剩下兩周進行第二輪記憶周期。 101 quote 報價 quote英[kwt] 美[kwot] vt.引述,引用;vt.報價; 引述; vi.引用; [例句]He quoted Mr Polay as saying that peace negotiations were already underway 他引用波利先生的話,說和談已在進行之中。 102 ravenous 饑餓的;貪婪的?Rave 咆哮 ravenous英[rvns] 美[rvns] adj.極餓的; (指饑餓、渴求等) 極度的; 強取豪奪; [例句]Amy realized that she had eaten nothing since leaving Bruton Street, and she was ravenous. 埃米意識到自己從離開布魯頓大街之后什么東西都沒吃,她餓極了。 103 refreshment 茶點 refreshment 英[rfremnt] 美[rfrmnt] n.提神,精神恢復; 提神物; 點心,茶點; [例句]May I offer you some refreshment 我給你來點吃的怎樣? 104 reimburse 償還;補償 Re im burse(錢包) reimburse英[ri:mb:s] 美[ri:mb:rs] vt.償還,付還,歸還; [例句]I'll be happy to reimburse you for any expenses you might have incurred 我將很樂意賠償您所發生的任何費用。 refund和reimburse的區別? refund 是退錢。也就是你給誰交了錢,誰就給你退錢。比如退商品時,你原先給商店交了錢,商店要給你refund。 reimburse 一個意思是退錢,跟refund一樣。這里基本上可以跟 refund 互換。另一個意思是報銷,就是由第三者給你錢。比如你付醫院錢,再由保險公司reimburse你。或者是你出差付給車站錢,公司再reimburse你的路費。在這里一般只能用 reimburse 而不是 refund。 105 remuneration 報酬;酬勞 remuneration 英[rmju:nren] 美[rmjunren] n.酬金; 酬報; 償還; 工資; [例句]$ 31,000 is a generous remuneration. 31,000美元的薪水很不錯了。 fee:指提供某種服務收取的固定費用; earnings:多指通過勞動或投資等手段所得到的收入; wage:多用復數形式,指按小時、日或星期的報酬,通常指體力勞動者的工資; allowance:指收入中的補貼部分; income :與earnings含義很相近,但前者強調總收入; pay :是個通用詞,可取代salary與wage; salary:指按年定下,按月或星期平均給予的報酬,指腦力勞動者的薪水。 What Is the Difference between Salary and Remuneration Remuneration is a broad-based term that is meant to represent all the ways in which an employee is compensated for labor and his or her role within a company. This can include a variety of rewards from cash wages to sales commissions and bonuses for performance, stock options, expense accounts, and the use of company assets such as aircraft, cars, and housing. A salary, on the other hand, is a subset of remuneration, and refers to a fixed payment for labor or services that is provided on a regular basis. Both the terms salary and remuneration are ancient references that can be traced back hundreds of years in human society, and they have generally retained their original meanings over time. 106 repulsive 使人反感的;令人厭惡的 repulsive英[rplsv] 美[rplsv] adj.丑惡; 令人厭惡的,可憎的; [例句]The repulsive force within the nucleus is enormous. 核子內部的斥力是巨大的。 107 rigor 嚴格;嚴苛;艱苦 rigor英['rg] 美[rɡ?] n.嚴密; 嚴格; 嚴酷; (由驚嚇或中毒等導致的身體) 僵直; [例句]In this process, the use of more factual arguments and data to enhance the article rigor and persuasiveness. 在這一過程中,運用了較多的事實論據和數據資料,增強了文章的嚴謹性和說服力。 108 runner-up 第二名;亞軍 runner-up英['rn(r) p] 美[rnp] n.第二名,亞軍; 亞軍隊; [例句]The ten runners-up will receive a case of wine. 10位亞軍會得到一箱葡萄酒。 [其他]復數:runners-up 冠軍是winner