在日常英語口語練習與交往中,我們經常會不知道如何表達,找不到適當的詞語,很尷尬,而且給別人的感覺你口語很差,其實我們可以通過很多的方式避免這一情況的出現。Marina建議,準白領們不妨通過參加實戰口語的學習班,獲得如何解決口語尷尬的經驗。 枯燥無味的單詞、句子只有在一定的語境中才能活起來,比如說通過上下文猜測一個詞的含義,前后背景含義猜測一個句子含義,單純機械地記憶單詞是無效而且不可取的,如果不能切實掌握該詞的用法、適當的場合、程度輕重、搭配用法,錯誤地使用該詞,反而適得其反,不能達到我們期望的效果。要試圖記住所有的單詞是不可能的,我們可以記住那些有用的詞匯。 根據語言學家調查,我們一般常用的詞匯在2000個左右。有些同學的問題不在于他們的詞匯量不夠,而是不知道該如何使用,越是地道的口語,都是非常簡單的。我成功了,可用Imadeit不用很復雜,但起到了交流的作用。 下面分享一點英語口語精華: 1. What college are you attending? 2. What are you majoring in? /What's your major? 3. What grade /class〖年級和班級〗are you in? 4. What school did you go to? /Where do you go to school? 5. How many courses are you taking this semester? 6. I'd better hit the books〖勤奮地鉆研或學習〗. 7. Many students are working at part time jobs. 8. I'm a graduate〖畢業生〗of Harvard University. 9. I've got six months to go until the graduation. 10. He worked his way through college〖半工半讀〗. 11. He's busy preparing for class〖忙著準備功課〗. 12. I don't think I have a mathematical brain〖數學頭腦〗. 13. This has been a hard course〖這門功課很難〗for me. 14. I've been studying all day, and I'm sick and tired of it〖厭倦〗. 15. He seems to be getting on very well at school. (他在學校似乎念得很好。) 16. Speaking of school, how are your grades this term? 17. The costs of college get higher every year. 18. She's an easy-going〖隨和的〗teacher. 19. The course I took was above me〖超過我的能力〗. 20. As far as English is concerned, he is second to none. (就英語來說,沒有人能夠比得上他。) 21. He is burning the midnight oil〖開夜車;挑燈夜讀〗. 22. How did the test turn out? (考試結果怎樣?) 23. I hope I'll go down in history as a famous English professor. (我希望成為未來歷史上有名的英文教授。) 24. There's nothing wrong with hard work. (刻苦沒有錯。)