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      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:北京語言培訓問答 > 北京英語培訓問答 > 學位英語閱讀理解練習題講解-學歷學位英語


      日期:2019-08-09 16:35:17     瀏覽:538    來源:天才領路者
      核心提示: 今天小編為大家準備了學位英語閱讀理解練習譯文及解答,希望對大家有所幫助,接下來跟小編一起來看看吧。 Whentoday'scollegegraduatesgettogetherforareunionsomeday

        今天小編為大家準備了學位英語閱讀理解練習譯文及解答,希望對大家有所幫助,接下來跟小編一起來看看吧。   When today's college graduates get together for a reunion someday, they may decide to do it by computer. That’s because night now, nearly one in five college students takes at least one class online, according to a new survey.   For professors, the growth of e-learning has meant a big shift in the way they deal with students.   Take professor Sara Cordell of the University of Ilinois-Springfield: Her day doesn’t end at 6 p.m., as it does for some college professors.   Cordell sits at her computer in her campus office to chat with a half-dozen students gathered in front of their screens: One is in Tennessee, another in Californian's central valley, another in Ohio. They're all here to talk about Thomas Hardy’s 19th-century novel Tess of the Durbervilles.   Cordell has a microphone hooked up to her PC, and her students listen from home. All but one of them type their responses, which appear in chat-format on Cordell's screen.   The process looks kind of awkward---the natural now of a regular class is missing, as responses arrive onscreen in a digital flood. But at second glance, there's something else here not seen in a regular college class: All of the students are paying attention and all are engaged.   Cordell, who is in her 50s, has been teaching offline for 25 years: online for four.She said she was initially skeptical about how meaningful an English course could be online. But now she’s a convert. Online classes conducted in real time have a special kind of immediacy, Cordell said.   "They’re right there. They're listening. And they like talking to each other, typing to each other. That, I think, is a big attraction, because they get to engage real time with the other students as much as with me. "Cordell said.   After two hours of discussion, Cordell signs off. But the class actually never goes to sleep. The students, including a mother of six, will keep the conversation going. This is known as the asynchronous part of the class, and it happens on an online education content management system, where written assignments are posted.   That means the work never stops--- and many instructors say teaching an online class is more work.   1. The author takes professor Sara Cordell as an example to illustrate the point that_____.   A. online teaching requires more time and energy   B. Online teaching is different from regular teaching   C. teachers must catch up with the new trends in teaching   D.teachers regard online classes as a more efficient teaching.   2. What do we learn about Sara Cordell's students from the passage?   A. They major in English Literature.   B. They are adult evening students.   C. They come from places outside the Illinois State.   D. They voluntarily take Part In the online learning   3. By saying that Cordell is a “convert", the author means that Cordell finds online teaching________.   A. significant   B. time-saving   C. advanced   D. Efficient   4. Cordell regards it as a great attraction that _________.   A. the students take Part In discussions more actively   B. the students get to engage real time with her online classes   C. The students like communicating by typing to each other   D. the students are all present for her classes   5. What happens in the asynchronous part of the class?   A. the students hand in their written assignment.   B. The students keep discussing without the teacher.   C.The students take tums to play the role of the teacher.   D. The students sign off after they finish their homework.   答案解析:   1.B   通常例子所支持的觀點會出現在例子的前面或后面,第2段提到了 e-learning has meant a big shift...,這表明第3段及下面幾段提到了 Sara Cordell應該是要說明e-learning是怎樣一種 shift,怎樣與常規教學不同,由此可見,本題應選B   2. D   倒數第2段末尾一句和倒數第3段第2、3句表明學生很樂意參加這種網上課程,而且有點樂此不疲,因此,本題應選D   3.A   第7段第3句開頭的But表明該句與上一句形成對比關系,上一句提到 Cordell本來認為網絡教學沒什么意義,這一句卻說她現在是一個 convert,由此可推斷她改變了對網絡教學的看法,即現在認為網絡教學有意義了,因此,本題應選A。   4.C   倒數第3段第4句中的that.....,is a big attraction表明該段第3句提到的內容就是讓 Cordell認為吸引的地方,C是對第3句內容的近義改寫,因此,本題應選C。   1.這一題同樣考查代詞的所指。倒數第2段后一句中的this應該是指上兩句提到的內容,概括上兩句的內容可以知道,B與之相近,為本題答案。   課文翻譯:   今天的*畢業生哪一天想要同班聚會時,他們可能會采取網上聚會的方式。因為一項新調查顯示,現在每五個*生中就有一個至少選了一門網絡課程。   對老師來說,網絡教學的發展意味著他們教育學生的方式要發生很大的改變。   以伊利諾伊--斯普林菲爾德*的薩拉?科德爾教授為例:她現在不能像其他*老師那樣在下午六點結束工作。   科德爾坐在她辦公室的電腦旁與屏幕前的六個學生聊天:一個在田納西,另一個在加利福尼亞的中央谷,一個在俄亥俄。他們全都在這里讀論托馬斯·哈代19世紀的小說《德伯家的絲》。   科德爾在她的電腦上接了一個麥克風,她的學生在家里使能聽到她說話。除他們中的一個之外,其他人都打出反饋信息,這在科德爾的屏幕上會以聊天形式出現。   這個過程看起來似有不方便----沒有常規課堂上自然的師生生動,學生的反應都是出現在電腦屏幕上。但再一看,你會發現,這里有一些在常規課堂上看不到的東西:所有學生都很專注,都在參與討論。

      學位英語閱讀理解練習題講解 學歷學位英語

        五十多歲的科德爾已經進行了二十五年的常規教學和四年的網修教學。她說,對于一門英語課程進行在線教學到底有多大意義,她本來是持懷疑態度的。不過現在她改變了看法,認為實時開展的網絡教學有一種特別的時效性。   “他們正好都在,都在仔細聽我講話。他們也喜歡通過電腦輸入互相討論。我想,那對他們很有吸引力,因為他們可以與其他學生進行和我一樣的實時交流。”科德爾說。   討論兩個小時后,科德爾退出了網絡課堂。但這堂課卻并未結束,而且永遠不會結束。那些學生,包括一個六歲孩子的母親,會繼續討論下去。這就是課堂的非同步部分,這部分會記錄在網路教育內容管理系統中。在教育內容管理系統中,老師也可以發布書面作業。   這意味著教學工作永遠不會結來---因此很多教師都說進行網絡教學,老師需要做更多工作。




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