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      天才教育網合作機構 > IT認證培訓機構 > 華為認證培訓機構 >




      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:IT認證培訓班 > 華為認證培訓班 > 博學Oracle Database 19C OCP認證*

      博學Oracle Database 19C OCP認證*

      博學Oracle Database 19C OCP認證*

      授課機構: 全國博學教育

      課程價格: 請咨詢客服


      上課地址: 請咨詢客服

      優惠價格: 請咨詢客服




      Oracle Database 19C OCP認證*

















      課程一 Oracle Database 19C: Fundamentals for Devs and SysAdmins(0.5)

      課程二 Oracle Database 19C: SQL Workshop(1.5)

      課程三 Oracle Database 19C: Administration Workshop(5天)

      課程四 Oracle Database 19C: Backup and Recovery(5天)


      Oracle Database 19C: Fundamentals for Devs and SysAdmins

      1. Introduction


      Course Practice Environment: Security Credentials   

      2. Introducing the Oracle Database

      Introducing the Oracle Database   

      3. Insalling Oracle Database and Creating a Database

      Installing Oracle Database and Creating a Database    

      Practice 3-1: Installing the Oracle Database Software and Creating a Database   

      4. Using Enterprise Manager Database Express and SQL-based Management Tools

      Using Enterprise Manager Database Express and SQL-based Management Tools  

      Practice 4-1: Using Enterprise Manager Database Express    

      Practice 4-2: Using SQL*Plus and SQL Developer    

      5. Configuring the Oracle Network Environment

      Configuring the Oracle Network Environment    

      Practice 5-1: Using the Listener Control Utility    

      6. Managing the Database Instance

      Managing the Database Instance   

      Practice 6-1: Using SQL Developer to Shut Down and Restart a Database    

      Practice 6-2: Viewing Initialization Parameters   

      7. Managing the Database Storage Structures

      Managing the Database Storage Structures    

      Practice 7-1: Managing the Database Storage Structures   

      8. Administering Users and Security

      Administering Users and Security    

      Practice 8-1: Creating the Flower Shop Owner User    

      Practice 8-2: Creating the Flower Shop Clerk Role and User    

      9. Managing Schema Objects

      Managing Schema Objects    

      Practice 9-1: Creating Application Tables    

      Practice 9-2: Loading Data into the Tables   

      10. Performing Backup and Recovery

      Performing Backup and Recovery   

      Practice 10-1: Configuring the Database for Backup and Recovery    

      Practice 10-2: Performing Backup Operations  

      Practice 10-3: Using the Database Flashback Features   

      11. Monitoring the Database and Using Advisors

      Monitoring the Database and Using Advisors    

      Practice 11-1: Monitoring Database Performance    

      12. Managing the Software

      Managing the Software  

      13. Oracle Database Cloud Service: Overview

      Oracle Database Cloud Service: Overview    


      Oracle Database 19C: SQL Workshop

      1. Introduction


      Entity Relationship Model   

      Practice 1-1: Introduction    

      2. Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECt Statement

      Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECt Statement    

      Practice 2-1: Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement   

      3. Restricting and Sorting Data

      Restricting and Sorting Data    

      Practice 3-1: Restricting and Sorting Data    

      4. Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output

      Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output    

      Number Functions    

      Practice 4-1: Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output    

      5. Using Conversion Functions and Conditional expressions

      Using Conversion Functions and Conditional expressions    

      General Functions    

      Practice 5-1: Using Conversion Functions and Conditional expressions    

      6. Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions

      Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions   

      Practice 6-1: Reporting Aggregated Data by Using Group Functions    

      7. Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins

      Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins    

      Practice 7-1: Displaying Data from Multiple Tables by Using Joins   

      8. Using Subqueries to Solve Queries

      Using Subqueries to Solve Queries   

      Practice 8-1: Using Subqueries to Solve Queries   

      9. Using Set Operators

      Using Set Operators    

      Practice 9-1: Using Set Operators    

      10. Managing Tables Using DML Statements in Oracle

      Managing Tables Using DML Statements in Oracle    

      State of Data    

      Practice 10-1: Managing Tables by Using DML Statements    

      Practice 10-1: Managing Tables by Using DML Statemens....Cntd    

      11. Introduction to Data Definition Language in Oracle

      Introduction to Data Definition Language in Oracle   

      FOREIGN KEY Constraint    

      Practice 11-1:1 Introduction to Data Definition Language   

      12. Introduction to Data Dictionary Views

      Introduction to Data Dictionary Views  

      Before you Begin Practice 12: Using SQL Developer    

      Practice 12-1: Introduction to Data Dictionary Views    

      13. Creating Sequences, Synonyms, and Indexes

      Creating Sequences, Synonyms, and Indexes    

      Sequence Information   

      Practice 13-1: Creating Sequences, Synonyms, and Indexes    

      14. Creating Views

      Creating Views    

      Practice 14-1: Creating Views    

      15. Managing Schema Objects

      Managing Schema Objects    

      DROp TABLE   

      Practice 15-1: Managing Schema Objects    

      Practice 15-1: Managing Schema Objects...Cntd    

      16. Retrieving Data by Using Subqueries

      Retrieving Data by Using Subqueries   

      Practice 16-1: Retrieving Data by Using Subqueries   

      17. Manipulating Data by Using Subqueries

      Manipulating Data by Using Subqueries    

      Practice 17-1: Manipulating Data by Using Subqueries   

      18. Controlling User Access

      Controlling User Access    

      Practice 18-1: Controlling User Access   

      19. Manipulating Data Using Advanced Queries

      Manipulating Data Using Advanced Queries    

      MERGE Statement    

      Practice 19-1: Manipulating Data    

      Practice 19-1: Manipulating Data...Cntd    

      20. Managing Data in Different Time Zones

      Managing Data in Different Time Zones    

      Practice 20-1: Managing Data in Different Time Zones    

      21. Conclusion


      Q&A Sessions   


      Oracle Database 19c: Administration Workshop

      1. Introduction to Oracle Database

      Database Server Architecture   8m

      Course Practice Environment: Security Credentials   2m

      2. Accessing an Oracle Database

      Accessing an Oracle Database   18m

      Demonstration: Usage of general DBCA Tools to Interact with Database   11m

      3. Creating an Oracle Database by Using DBCA

      Creating a Database Using DBCA   19m

      Practice 3-1: Creating a New CDB (Part 01)   11m

      Practice 3-1: Creating a New CDB (Part 02)   5m

      4. Creating an Oracle Database by Using a SQL Command

      Creating Database using SQL Command   9m

      Practice 4-1: Creating a New CDB (Part 01)   8m

      Practice 4-1: Creating a New CDB (Part 02)   14m

      Practice 4-1: Creating a New CDB (Part 03)   6m

      5. Starting Up and Shutting Down a Database Instance

      Starting Up and Shutting Down a Database Instance   15m

      Opening and Closing PDBs   12m

      Practice 5-1: Shutting Down and Starting Up the Oracle Database   17m

      6. Managing Database Instances

      Managing the Database   24m

      Practice 6-1: Investigating Initialization Parameter Files   11m

      Practice 6-2: Viewing Initialization Parameters by Using SQL*Plus (Part 01)   13m

      Practice 6-2: Viewing Initialization Parameters by Using SQL*Plus (Part 02)   20m

      Practice 6-3: Modifying Initialization Parameters by Using SQL*Plus   22m

      Practice 6-4: Viewing Diagnostic Information   15m

      7. Oracle Net Service: Overview

      Configuring and Administering Oracle Net Service   19m

      Course Practice Environment: Security Credentials   3m

      8. Configuring Naming Methods

      Oracle Net Components   20m

      Naming Method   19m

      Practice 2-1: Configuring the Oracle Network to Access a Database (Part 01)   6m

      Practice 2-1: Configuring the Oracle Network to Access a Database (Part 02)   9m

      Practice 2-2: Creating a Net Service Name for a PDB   9m

      9. Configuring and Administering the Listener

      Configuring and Administering the Listener   18m

      Practice 3-1: Exploring the Default Listener   17m

      Practice 3-2: Creating a Second Listener   17m

      Practice 3-3: Connecting to a Database Service Using the New Listener   3m

      10. Configuring a Shared Server Architecture

      Configuring a Shared Server Architecture   15m

      Practice 4-1: Configuring Shared Server Mode   6m

      Practice 4-2: Configuring Clients to Use a Shared Server   8m

      11. Configuring Oracle Connection Manager for Multiplexing and Access Control

      Connection Manager   15m

      Practice 5-1: Installing Oracle Instant Client   10m

      Practice 5-2: Configuring the cman.ora File   9m

      Practice 5-3: Configuring the Database for Oracle Connection Manager   4m

      Practice 5-4: Configuring Clients for Oracle Connection Manager   4m

      Practice 5-5: Configuring the Oracle Database Server for Session Multiplexing   11m

      12. Creating PDBs from Seed

      Creating PDBs from Seed   17m

      Provisioning New Pluggable Databases-(Continued)   19m

      Practice 1-1: Creating a New PDB from the PDB Seed   12m

      13. Using Other Techniques to Create PDBs

      Using Other Techniques to Create PDBs   19m

      Method of Creating and Migrating PDBs   9m

      Practice 2-1: Cloning Remote PDBs in Hot Mode (Part 01)   6m

      Practice 2-1 Cloning Remote PDBs in Hot Mode (Part 02)   22m

      Practice 2-2: Relocating PDBs   26m

      14. Managing PDBs

      Managing PDBs   16m

      Practice 3-1: Renaming a PDB   8m

      Practice 3-2: Setting Parameter Values for PDBs   13m

      15. Database Storage Overview

      Database Storage Overview   20m

      Purpose of the Default Tablespaces   20m

      Storage of Data in Blocks    22m

      Advantage of Deferred Segment Creation   12m

      Course Practice Environment: Security Credentials   2m

      16. Creating and Managing Tablespaces

      Creating and Managing Tablespaces   18m

      Viewing Tablespace Information    14m

      Practice 2-1: Viewing Tablespace Information   20m

      Practice 2-2: Creating a Tablespace (Part 01)   4m

      Practice 2-2: Creating a Tablespace (Part 02)   9m

      Practice 2-3: Managing Temporary and Permanent Tablespaces   24m

      17. Improving Space Usage

      Space Management Features   22m

      Creating Global Temporary Tables   15m

      Practice 3-1: Managing Space in Tablespaces (Part01)   16m

      Practice 3-1: Managing Space in Tablespaces (Part02)   4m

      Practice 3-1: Managing Space in Tablespaces (Part03)   8m

      Practice 3-2: Using Compression   11m

      Practice 3-3: Enabling the Resumable Space Allocation Feature (Part 01)   10m

      Practice 3-3: Enabling the Resumable Space Allocation Feature (Part 02)   7m

      18. Managing Undo Data

      Managing the Undo   20m

      Enabling Temporary Undo   15m

      Practice 4-1: Managing Undo Tablespaces in a PDB   5m

      19. Creating and Managing User Accounts

      Creating and Managing User Accounts   17m

      Creating Common Users in the CDB and PDBs   17m

      Assigning Quotas   8m

      Practice 1-1: Creating Common and Local Users   23m

      Practice 1-2: Creating a Local User for an Application   5m

      Practice 1-3: Exploring OS and Password File Authentication   9m

      20. Configuring Privilege and Roles Authorization

      Configuring Privilege and Roles Authorization   20m

      Practice 2-1: Granting a Local Role (DBA) to PDBADMIN   8m

      Practice 2-2: Using SQL *Developer to Create Local Roles   17m

      21. Configuring User Resource Limits

      Configuring User Resource Limits   16m

      Practice 3-1: Using SQL*Developer to Create a Local Profile   13m

      Practice 3-2: Using SQL*Developer to Create Local Users (Part 01)   22m

      Practice 3-2: Using SQL*Developer to Create Local Users (Part 02)   1m

      Practice 3-3: Configuring a Default Role for a User   6m

      22. Implementing Oracle Database Auditing

      Implementing Oracle Database Auditing   17m

      Configuring Auditing   16m

      Viewing Audit Policy Information   14m

      Practice 4-1: Enabling Unified Auditing   7m

      Practice 4-2: Creating Audit Users   4m

      Practice 4-3: Creating an Audit Policy   12m

      23. Introduction Loading and Transporting Data

      Introduction Loading and Transporting Data   10m

      Course Practice Environment: Security Credentials   2m

      24. Loading Data

      Loading Data   14m

      Practice 2-1: Loading Data into a PDB from an External File   25m

      25. Transporting Data

      Transporting Data   18m

      Using the RMAN Convert Command   22m

      Practice 3-1: Moving Data from One PDB to Another PDB (Part 01)   18m

      Practice 3-1: Moving Data from One PDB to Another PDB (Part 02)   11m

      Practice 3-2: Transporting a Tablespace   16m

      26. Using External Tables to Load and Transport Data

      Using External Tables to load Transport Data   14m

      External Table Demo   14m

      Practice 4-1: Querying External Tables   27m

      Practice 4-2: Unloading External Tables   9m

      27. Automated Maintenance Tasks: Overview

      Automated Maintenance Tasks: Overview   16m

      Automated Maintenance Tasks: Components   12m

      Course Practice Environment: Security Credentials   2m

      28. Automated Maintenance Tasks: Managing Tasks and Windows

      Configuring Automated Maintenance Tasks   18m

      Practice 2-1: Enabling and Disabling Automated Maintenance Tasks   7m

      Practice 2-2: Modifying the Duration of a Maintenance Window   7m

      29. Database Monitoring and Performance Tuning Overview

      Database Monitoring and Performance Tuning Overview   16m

      30. Monitoring Database Performance

      Understanding What Database Performance is Monitored   17m

      31. Tuning Database Performance

      Tuning Database Performance   14m

      Demo: Navigating around Cloud Control, Using and Accessing information   22m

      Demo: Navigating around Performance area in your Database   11m

      32. Analyzing SQL and Optimizing Access Paths

      Analyzing SQL and Optimizing Access Paths   19m

      Adaptive Execution Plans   17m


      Oracle Database 19c: Backup and Recovery

      1. Backup and Recovery: Overview

      Backup and Recovery: Overview   18m

      Understanding Instance Recovery   20m

      2. Backup and Recovery Configuration

      Backup and Recovery Configuration   14m

      Configuring Demo   2m

      Control File Demo   5m

      Adding a Redo file to Redo Group – Demo   6m

      Enabling ARCHIVELOG mode in a Database – Demo   2m

      Practice 2-1: Verifying that the Control File is Multiplexed   12m

      Practice 2-2: Configuring the Size of the Fast Recovery Area   3m

      Practice 2-3: Verifying that the Redo Log File is Multiplexed   15m

      Practice 2-4: Configuring ARCHIVELOG Mode   3m

      3. Using Recovery Manager (RMAN)

      Using Recovery Manager   12m

      Connection the RMAN and a Target Database Demo   3m

      Using the sequel and RMAN Demo   1m

      Managing the Setting RMAN Demo   3m

      Practice 3-1: Configuring the Default Backup Destination   3m

      Practice 3-2: Setting the Date and Time Format for RMAN   4m

      Practice 3-3: Configuring RMAN Settings   4m

      4. Backup Strategies

      Backup Strategies   21m

      5. Creating Database Backups

      Creating Database Backups   13m

      Fast Incremental Backup   9m

      Syntex and Clause in RMAN Use for Backups Demo   4m

      Creating Image Copies for Backups Demo   4m

      Creating a Whole Backups Container or Noncontainer Database system Demo   2m

      Creating a Partial PDP Backups Demo   4m

      Maintaining the Block Change Tracking File Demo   3m

      Backing up to Control Files to Trace File Demo   5m

      Practice 2-1: Backing Up the Control File   12m

      Practice 2-2: Verifying Automatic Backups of the Control File and SPFILE   3m

      Practice 2-3: Creating a Whole Database Backup   13m

      Practice 2-4: Creating Partial Database Backups   6m

      Practice 2-5: Configuring Block Change Tracking   4m

      Practice 2-6: Using Incremental Backups   14m

      Practice 2-7: Backing Up Additional Database Files   4m

      6. Using Optional Backup Features

      Using Optional Backup Features  15m

      Compres Backup Demo   4m

      Creating Duplex Backups Set by Backups Copies Demo   3m

      Creating Backups of Backups Set Demo   2m

      Creating archival Backups with RMAN Demo   4m

      Backing ups Recovery File Demo   2m

      Practice 3-1: Creating an Archival Backup   6m

      7. Tuning RMAN Backup Performance

      Tuning RMAN Backup Performance   10

      Asynchronous I/O Bottlenecks   9

      Practice 4-1: Monitoring an RMAN Backup Job   5

      8. Recovery Catalog: Overview

      Recovery Catalog: Overview   5m

      9. Creating a Recovery Catalog

      Creating a Recovery Catalog   5m

      Configure a Recovery Catalog Database Demo   2m

      Creating a Recovery Catalog Owner Demo   1m

      Creating a Recovery Catalog Demo   2m

      Practice 2-1: Creating a Recovery Catalog Owner   7m

      Practice 2-2: Creating the Recovery Catalog   2m

      10. Managing Target Database Records

      Managing Target Database Records   6m

      Register a Database in Recovery Catalog Demo   2m

      Manually Resynchronizing Recovery Catalog – Demo   2m

      Practice 3-1: Registering a Database in the Recovery Catalog   3m

      Practice 3-2: Configuring the Recovery Catalog for Recovery   8m

      11. Using Stored scripts

      Using Stored scripts   5m

      Practice 4-1: Creating a Stored script   4m

      Practice 4-2: Executing a Stored script   3m

      12. Creating and Using Virtual Private Catalogs

      Creating and Using Virtual Private Catalogs   5m

      Practice 5-1: Enabling the Virtual Private Database (VPD) Functionality   4m

      Practice 5-2: Creating a Virtual Private C atalog   4m

      Practice 5-3: Backing Upa PDB   3m

      13. Restore and Recovery Concepts

      Restore and Recovery Concepts   10m

      Instance Failure   18m

      14. Diagnosing Failure

      Diagnosing Failure   10m

      Data Recovery Advisor   16m

      Diagnosing Failure Using Oracle Database Recovery Advisor Demo   8m

      Practice 2-1: Diagnosing and Repairing Database Failure.   9m

      15. Performing Complete Recovery

      Performing Complete Recovery   20m

      Performing Complete Recovery Using RMAN Demo   7m

      Practice 3-1: Recovering from the Loss of a System-Crtical Data File   18m

      Practice 3-2: Recovering from the Loss of an Application Data File   18m

      16. Performing Point-in-Time Recovery

      Performing Point-in-Time Recovery   7m

      Architecture Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery   19m

      Performing Incomplete Recovery Using Data Recovery Advisor RMAN Demo   16m

      Practice 4-1: Recovering from Media Failure: Incomplete Recovery   26m

      Practice 4-2: Recovering a Table from a Backup   17m

      17. Performing Block Media Recovery

      Performing Block Media Recovery   9m

      Performing a Recovery Block Media Corruption Demo   4m

      Practice 5-1: Repairing Block Corruption   6m

      18. Performing Additional Recovery Operations

      Performing Additional Recovery Operations   19m

      Practice 6-1: Recovering from the Loss of a Parameter File   7m

      Practice 6-2: Restoring the Control File   7m

      Practice 6-3: Recovering from the Loss of All Control Files   11m

      Practice 6- 4: Restoring the Password File   7m

      19. Oracle Flashback Technology: Overview

      Oracle Flashback Technology: Overview   9m

      20. Using Logical Flashback Features

      Using Logical Flashback Features   13m

      Flashback Drop and the Recycle Bin   16m

      Prepare to Using Flashback Technology Demo   16m

      Practice 2-1: Preparing to Use Flashback Technologies   9m

      Practice 2-2: Restoring a Dropped Table   7m

      Practice 2-3: Using Flashback Table   7m

      21. Using Flashback Database

      Using Flashback Database   17m

      Enabling Oracle Flashback Database Demo   18m

      Practice 3-1: Enabling Flashback Logging   7m

      Practice 3-2: Performing Flashback Database   11m

      22. Using PDB Snapshot

      Using PDB Snapshot   6m

      23. Database Duplication Overview

      Database Duplication Overview   12m

      Demo (Part 01)   22m

      24. Creating a Backup-based Duplicate Database

      Creating a Backup-based for Duplicate Database   12m

      Allocating Auxiliary Channels   16m

      Demo (Part 02)   9m

      Practice 2-1: Duplicating a Database (Part I)   24m

      Practice 2-1: Duplicating a Database (Part II)   2m

      Practice 2-2: Duplicating a PDB into an Existing CDB   9m

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