美聯企業培訓課程介紹 Metro Corporate Training Program
Metro International’s Corporate Training Program aims to provide clients with high uality and the most effective training service specific to their needs.
美聯企業培訓課程涉及以下領域: 通訊, 銀行,保險, 醫療, 電腦, 旅游,酒店, 餐飲,財務,超市,體育,房地產,服務業,制造業,娛樂行業,國際貿易, 人力資源及*組織
Metro Corporate Training Program involves the following fields: Telecommunication, Banking, Insurance, Medical and Health, Computer Science, Tourism, Hotel, Restaurant, Finance, Supermarket, Sports, Real Estate, Service, Manufacturing,Entertainment, International Trade, Human Resource and Government Organizations
美聯企業培訓流程Metro Corporate Training Process
1、客戶需求分析Analysis of Customer Demand
2、學員水平測試 Placement Test
3、設置課程和培訓內容 Courses and Contents
4、簽訂培訓協議 Training Agreement
5、教師開展培訓 Implementation by Teachers
6、教學信息反饋 Feedback
7、教學質量評估 uality Evaluation
We provide “good value” training services for clients. We want your feedback upon completion of training so we can keep improving our programs and high standards of excellence.
美聯企業培訓的優勢Advantages of Metro Corporate Training
傳統的企業英文培訓Traditional English Training for Companies
The fixed lesson time of traditional schools is not suitable for employees’ working schedule.
無法對學員的水平進行科學分級, 每個班的學員水平參差不齊
Traditional classes are usually made up of many students with different English levels.
管理人員對員工的學習情況與效果缺乏了解, 很難對培訓進行整體的評估
It is hard for managers to evaluate the training, because they lack information about progress and effect of their employees.
Textbooks have been chosen randomly, and can be bought off the shelf. Non-systematic learning is of no benefit to employees, costing a lot with no guarantee of success.
Since no follow-up service is offered in traditional training, management can’t be sure of the effect and employee satisfaction.
美聯的培訓體系 Metro Training System
Employees can choose their study schedules according to their situation.
Each student’s study plan has been designed individually based on their level.
The effect of group training has been greatly-improved through particular training records and strict uality control system.
The specialized ELLIS multimedia system provides professional training, and will improve your overall English ability.
Follow-up service will assure the system’s effectiveness and the satisfaction of students.