補充課 Complementary Class
商務英語課程:Business English Course
商務英語課程Business English 您將掌握在典型的商務環境中流利使用英文進行會議,討論和談判的能力,以及商務信函的寫作技巧
You will learn how to conduct meetings,discussions, and negotiate in English, as well as how to write business letters
Business Series 1:Business Conversation
Business Series 2:Business Letter Writing
Business Series 3:Business Communication
Business Series 4:Practical Case Study
商務系列4:商務個案分析 出國英語強化課程Courses for Going Abroad
These courses are useful for helping integrate into life abroad. You will be well-trained to pass interviews,too.
求職面試課(Job Interview Class)
幫助您在面試中更好的推銷自己,在求職競爭中領先一步. You will learn to cope with various English job interviews, improving self-promotion and staying a step ahead of the competition.
移民面試課(Immigration Interview Class)
掌握與面試官交流的言語技能,圓您出國之夢. This course is intended to help familiarize you with communicating with Interview Officers.
*入學面試課(Entrance Interview Class)
開拓英語視野,拓展英文思維,讓您在面試中脫穎而出. You can learn skills to pass College entrance interviews. Your vocabulary,debating, and English ability can improve a lot.
海外留學指導課(Instruction of Study Overseas)
全面實用的語言技能訓練,幫助您盡快適應海外生活及求學環境. You will learn essential language skills particularly useful for integration into the local life when you are studying or living abroad.
發音進階課 (Advanced Pronunciation Class)
您將在最短時間內攻克發音難點,迅速掌握純正發音不再是夢想. You will be able to overcome difficulties within a short period as well as mastering standard pronunciation!
情景操練課(Simulation Practice Class)
掌握鮮活的純正英語表達,實現您盡快融入英語社會環境的目標. This course will help you to improve your English through drills and exercises which will help you integrate into a new culture as fast as possible.
素質拓展訓練課(Team Building Exercise)
英語能力與綜合素質共同拓展,打造您的核心競爭力. Team Building Exercise with overall English training builds up your core competitiveness